A Poisoned Season

A Poisoned Season by TASHA ALEXANDER

Book: A Poisoned Season by TASHA ALEXANDER Read Free Book Online
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Thrillers
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there is only worse to come, for someday my dear Tommy will have to marry, too. Would that I might die before having to see that.” The tears began to flow again.
    “It may not be for some time,” I said, trying to encourage her. “Young gentlemen are rarely eager to settle down. When at last it happens, you may find that you’ve quite forgotten Lord Pembroke.”
    “I shall never forget him, and for that my husband will suffer. He will never have my affection.”
    “There are many such marriages, Isabelle,” Cécile said. “You do not have to let yourself be miserable. Give yourself over to grief tonight, but no longer. After that, you will have to make your own happiness.” I remembered Jeremy’s comment about us being able to reach a mutually agreeable understanding. What a dreadful way that would be to live.

    “Don’t think on it another moment, Lizzie.” The girl, newly hired by my housekeeper, seemed a bit nervous at finding herself part of such a large household. “I spill it myself more often than not and wonder why people insist upon serving hot tea in a heavy silver pot. It seems to me that whoever pours is doomed to fail.” Ivy watched the maid, waiting to speak until she had left us alone.
    “You are far too nice to your servants,” she said.
    “Lizzie’s only been here a week or so. She’s constantly going to the wrong rooms, showing up where she’s not wanted, bringing me things that I haven’t asked for, pouring tea when I ought to do it myself. I haven’t the heart to scold her, though. She’s so very young, and Mrs. Ockley is convinced that she’ll do well once she’s settled.”
    “She must learn to be competent as quickly as possible,” Ivy said as she fiddled with the cup in front of her. She raised it to her lips, then returned it to the saucer without taking a sip. “I hardly know how to bring this up. Of course it is only a false rumor, but I fear…” Her pretty cheeks flushed pink when her eyes met mine.

    “Oh, dear. What have I done now?”
    “Have you and Colin quarreled?”
    “Of course not. If we had, I would have ranted to you about it immediately. You know that.”
    “Well…Lady Elliott told my mother she has heard that you and Jeremy have been spending a considerable amount of time together.”
    “Jeremy is here quite often, but only to give the appearance of courting Margaret.”
    “Rumor has it that their relationship is intended only to hide that which he has with you.”
    “That is ridiculous,” I said.
    “I know it is. But several people have noticed that Colin has not been seen with you often lately, something that seems to add veracity to the story.”
    “Colin is immersed in his work. Furthermore—”
    “Yes, but Emily, you are gaining a reputation as an eccentric who would prefer to spend her time buried in the library instead of on more…er…feminine pursuits.”
    “Excellent. I long to be eccentric.”
    “You know that I fully support your studies, but I do wish you would, perhaps, temper your approach to the Season. Would it be so awful to play the society game, just for a few months?”
    “I never thought I would hear such criticism from you,” I said. Ivy looked as if she would crumple. “Don’t be upset, dear. I’m not angry.” I was unable to continue, as Davis opened the door and announced Jeremy.
    “I’m to meet Margaret here,” he said, dropping into a chair after greeting the two of us with perfect politeness. “It’s exhausting arranging these clandestine meetings for public consumption.”
    “You seem to be enjoying yourself,” I said. “I saw the two of you riding yesterday.”
    “Capital girl, Margaret. Loads of fun.” He rested his chin on thegold handle of his walking stick. “I can think of plenty worse ways to spend a Season.”
    Ivy frowned but did not comment. The door opened and Davis reappeared, this time

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