A Promise of Love
Judith tried to blink again, fighting against the heaviness of her lids. She reached to press her hand against her eyes, to free herself from the cloth, only then realizing that her hands were tied. Bound together over her head so tightly that her arms ached with the discomfort. She pulled on them, but all she accomplished by that futile gesture did was to tighten the rope which bit into her wrists. Terror washed through her like a fountain of fear, bathing every pore in sour smelling sweat.
    She let out a startled scream when a voice spoke near her ear. "Ah," it said, in a low, almost considerate tone, as a hand reached out and covered her mouth, "you are awake. Good. I would hate to think that you would be missing this next part."
    "Please," she pleaded, her words muffled by the pressure of that hand.
    "And rob us of our fun?" Another low chuckle. "I think not." The hand was replaced by lips that were too hot and too wet and she almost gagged at the insertion of a tongue into her mouth. He tasted of brandy and tobacco. The revulsion she felt was enough to clamp her teeth firmly against that intrusion.
    He recoiled immediately, his gasp of pain her only reward for momentary courage. That, and the vicious blow strong enough to knock her head to the side. She screamed then, as loudly and as strongly as she could. It was the only thing she had left, the only defense. But they only laughed at her screams, as if the sound of her terror excited them, wolves amused by the plaintive sound of fear.
    The blanket was stripped from her body; the cool rush of air chilled her sweating skin. She kicked out with legs that were free of bindings, but her thrashing movements only encouraged masculine laughter, they did not stop the stroking hand which obscenely and leisurely explored her body. Nor did her struggles impede the invading fingers, which cruelly poked and probed. Her hips bucked up from the mattress at the pain from those thrusting fingers, but that movement only seemed to foster ribald comments from those in the room.
    The mattress sagged with one man’s weight. His legs brushed her own, the rough hair upon them scraping against her skin. Judith lunged upwards again, as if to dislodge him. A muffled groan followed by an oath indicated that she had managed to inflict some pain on her assailant.
    "Stretch her legs out, Anthony, and fasten her ankles to the bedposts."
    She did not make it easy for them. Yet, even her strength, born of terror and underlaid with rage, was not enough in the end. The manacles fastened around her ankles were red with blood before she collapsed against the mattress. Still, she did not meekly acquiesce to their plans for her.
    As she squirmed in abhorrence at the touch of the hands and lips which explored her body at will, arching her torso from side to side in the only movement allowed her, laughter was interspersed by coarse encouragement.
    "By God, she loves it!" one voice shouted.
    "Your bitch needs taming, Anthony!"
    As if in punishment for her defiance, her breasts were tightly squeezed by brutal fingers. She moaned in pain, but that slight sound seemed to encourage her assailant, who bit her nipples cruelly in a parody of pleasure. Yet, even that pain was easily forgotten in the agony that followed.
    Thrusting fingers were replaced by his male member, as it ruthlessly invaded her, tearing the walls of her dry passage, lubricating his rape with her own blood. Her assailant's grunt of pleasure accompanied her own muffled screams.
    Nor did it stop there.
    His release found, the first one left, only to be replaced by another. Still another took his place, marking her body with a series of vicious bites and sucking marks, driving into her until agony was just a mild word compared to the writhing torment that was her body.
    Her mind was not occupied in this battle for survival, it sat outside of her body, watching with dumbstruck eyes as she was made victim. Wet warmth seeped from between her legs and she

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