A Question of Impropriety

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Book: A Question of Impropriety by Michelle Styles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Styles
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it was a natural history experiment, but neither of the Bolts had been amused, particularly as one of the beetles had found its way on to Miss Bolt’s new straw bonnet. Simon had claimed he’d been able to hear the shrieking all the way from the estate office. ‘He did apologise.’
    â€˜Only because you demanded it.’ Miss Bolt gave a loud sniff. ‘I can never look at that particular bonnet without a shiver going down my back. If you hadn’t plucked the beetle out!’
    â€˜It is good to hear that Miss Clare had the situation wellin hand. Quick thinking and a calm head are qualities to be admired.’
    Diana lifted her gaze and met Lord Coltonby’s steady one. She nodded her thanks. She bit her lip. She had been so quick to believe the worst of him. What if she had made a mistake? What if he truly sought only friend ship?
    â€˜I must confess to having never given it much thought. A cool head in a moment of crisis. You could describe it that way.’ Miss Bolt drew her top lip over her front teeth, giving her face the expression of a startled rabbit, and brought Diana back to reality. ‘Mama can be wrong in her assessments of people some times.’
    â€˜I consider it best to judge people as individuals. To eschew cant and hypocrisy whenever possible.’
    Miss Bolt’s smile vanished as she looked quickly from one to the other. ‘I don’t listen to gossips.’
    â€˜You have a wise head on your young shoulders, then, Miss Bolt. Discover the true person. That is the key to success.’
    Diana knew the words were for Miss Bolt’s benefit, but to her surprise a tiny piece of her wanted them to be true. She wanted him to think well of her despite the long-ago gossip from London and Lady Bolt’s pronouncements.
    Diana put a hand to her face and mentally shook herself. Soon she would wish to believe in impossible dreams again. There was safety in the everyday world. Its strictures and structures pre vented impulsive action. Impetuosity had led to her downfall before. It would never do so again. She had conquered it.
    â€˜It was lovely to meet you again after so long, Lord Coltonby,’ she said, inclining her head. ‘And to know that your feelings remain the same.’
    â€˜My feelings towards you have never changed since theday I first glimpsed you,’ he murmured, capturing her hand again and bringing it to his lips.
    Diana forced her body to stay still as his mouth touched the small gap left by her undone button. Heat washed through her. Rapidly she withdrew her hand and did the button up. When she glanced upwards, she discovered he was watching her with a sardonic twist to his lips.
    â€˜Oh, oh, I see Mama. She will need to know…to know…’ Miss Bolt hurried away.
    A smile tugged at the corner of Lord Coltonby’s lips as they watched Miss Bolt run to her mother, obviously bursting to impart the bit of gossip she had learnt.
    â€˜That went delightfully well. Now I look forward to exploring your Northumbrian definition of intimate.’
    â€˜I have no idea what sort of game you are playing, but I don’t like it.’ Diana took a long steadying breath. ‘We are not having and never will have a flirtation. How dare you imply otherwise?’
    â€˜Did I? You must be reading too much into my words. A very bad habit, Miss Clare. I always mean precisely what I say. I find it saves trouble.’
    â€˜I have shopping to do. I do not have time to discuss the precise meaning of words with acquaintances on the High Street.’
    â€˜And here I had anticipated that we might become friends.’
    â€˜I fear, Lord Coltonby, that we are destined for ever to remain acquaintances.’
    Diana straightened her back and, with a sigh of what she convinced herself was relief, walked away from him. She refused to look behind her even when she thought she heard the word—coward.
    Brett swirled the amber

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