Dolce (Love at Center Court #2)

Dolce (Love at Center Court #2) by Rachel Blaufeld

Book: Dolce (Love at Center Court #2) by Rachel Blaufeld Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Blaufeld
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    She opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the pastry. The tip of her tongue grazed my finger and set my cock aflame. This was something new—she did have a point when she said that. Getting turned on by feeding smart and sassy women baked goods was a very new thing, and I liked it.
    She swallowed and took a sip of her latte before asking, “So, you ready?”
    “For what?”
    “The season.”
    “You telling me you actually care?”
    “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m a closet fan of all those big athletic men in tanks sweating all over one another. Between that and Sonny, I’ll be stripped of my women’s rights status.”
    “No way.” I tilted toward her, sniffing more of her lusciousness, and I hardened even more. She was a fan, and she smelled edible.
    “Yep. I like the games. I try to make it to a few each season.”
    “I’ll keep that in mind. I think I’m ready. A lot of pressure on this season, but I’m feeling good.”
    “Oh shit,” Cate said, looking at her watch. “I’m supposed to go to a movie tonight, but I have to go drop all of this in my room first.” She stood up and gathered the various papers and printouts, stacking them quickly.
    “Come on, I’ll walk you.”
    I stood and tossed my half-full cup in the garbage. Cate snatched her last bite of scone and popped it into her mouth. All packed up and zipped in her leather jacket, she said, “I can get there myself.”
    “What would be the fun in that? Come on.”
    I cocked my head toward the door and gave Ashton the peace sign. He winked at me and went right back to staring at Ava’s tits.
    “Where do you live?” I asked.
    “Southern dorms. Right across there.” She motioned across College Avenue.
    “Sweet. Those are hard to get?” I slowed my pace to match her shorter legs.
    “I wanted a single, so it wasn’t as hard. I guess no one really wants to live alone in college.”
    “I’d die for a little peace and quiet from time to time. I live with Ashton, the big guy back in the coffee shop, and Alex White lives down the hall with a guy from the football team.”
    The wind whipped Cate’s hair across her face, and a few dark curls stuck to her lip gloss. I reached over and pulled the strands free, our eyes meeting for the briefest of seconds. If I weren’t a hot-blooded man, I would have sworn I heard some romantic melody playing in the background.
    The spark between this girl and me was intense. Whoever said opposites attract knew what the fuck they were talking about. Cate with her brains and curvy body was doing it for me in a big way. Me, a guy who’d enjoyed so many mindless girls, I’d lost count.
    “Right over here.” Cate motioned toward a red brick building marked SOUTHERN A . “This is me.”
    We stood at the threshold of her dorm. I wanted to go upstairs, but she looked like she wanted me to get the hell away.
    “What movie are you seeing later?” I asked, desperate for an excuse for the afternoon to continue.
    She smiled and stifled a giggle. “It’s a porno.”
    “What? You’re kidding.”
    “No, really. I’m taking An In-Depth Look at Pornography and Its Ill Effects on Women of Every Age, and we’re required to go to a porn fest tonight . You know, so we can discuss in detail how degrading it is to women.”
    I grasped her shoulder, shaking her in fun. “Stop! You’re playing me.”
    “I’m not. Seriously.”
    “I need to go to this.”
    Cate shifted back, out of my grip. My hand dropped by my side, but itched to get back to her.
    “You can’t! My prof would have a field day, and I’m already under scrutiny. It’s a senior-level lecture.”
    “Don’t worry. Just tell me where it is, and I’ll sneak in.”
    She shook her head, her dark curls bouncing like crazy around her face. “I can’t. Seriously.”
    “No, seriously, you have to. This is going to be a blast. And I can buy you a beer after.”
    “I don’t do beer.”
    “Whatever you want, just tell me where and

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