Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9)

Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) by Catty Diva

Book: Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) by Catty Diva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catty Diva
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refused to be influenced. He hurried to catch up with the ladies before they stepped off the ship. “Step this way,” he instructed as he caught up with them and took Nat’s arm. He guided them out the door and down the ramp.
    Norvir led the ladies to the first of a long line of stores. His two guards seemed as thrilled to stand around and wait on them as he did. They tried on item after item and finally ended up buying nothing. Only to move on to the next store and do the same thing. Finally, in the fifth store, they each bought one item.
    “Does this mean you two are through?” He asked hopefully.
    “Sweetheart, this means things have just started to happen.” Heloise explained. Norvir let out the breath he’d been holding and his guys had long suffering expressions on their faces. Now they followed the ladies and each guard carried a pink gift bag. Jedl, the more experienced guard, looked at the pink bag then stared at Norvir who just shrugged. What did he know about females anyway?
    “Why don’t we grab a bite for lunch?” Nat asked.
    Norvir and the guards always enjoyed a bite to eat. The males were all for that. They found a steak house and as soon as they entered, the smell of good food smacked them in the face. Norvir asked for a table against the wall where he and the guards could see the door. He might not be a security specialist, but he did have some training. It was his intention to keep these two ladies secure, no matter what that entailed. They ordered drinks and appetizers, talking while they waited for the waitress to return.
    She came back loaded with drinks and another waitress carried the appetizers. Norvir’s attention was split between the food, the ladies, and their surroundings. Instantly on alert, he saw some men enter looking around the room until they saw him and his party. He nudged the guard next to him hoping he’d understand without words.
    Norvir knew something was about to happen when the men were seated near them. These Earth companies just couldn’t leave them alone. It shouldn’t be a surprise. He fingered the weapon he carried in his pocket. Soon, he would be putting it to use. Was it too much to hope for that they would let them eat first? The appetizers were finished and the waitress came to remove the empty platters.
    That was when the men made their move. They had stunners, so these guys weren’t going for the kill. The waitress just turned staring at them and she was hit right away. Norvir got one of the three guys, Jedl got one, but the other one got away.
    “Chase him down, Mirl.” Jedl yelled at his little brother. Two out of three might not be bad, but to Norvir, it wasn’t good enough. They restrained the prisoners while the ladies fussed over the waitress who was out cold. He would have to give her a big tip.
    Even though they had made a lot of noise, no one came out of the kitchen. Norvir looked up and was gratified to see Mirl with the third guy being carried over his shoulder. Norvir pulled out some money. “Nat, put this in her pocket so no one will take it.” He handed her a large bill, tossed another on the table for their food, and then picked up a prisoner carrying him over his shoulder. “Follow us, ladies. Our visit is at an end.”

Chapter 6
    Secrets Revealed
    Nat understood that they had worn out their welcome here. It was even possible the local law, whatever they might have here, might try to arrest them. She wasn’t going to slow Norvir down as he and the guards hurried away. She and Heloise grabbed their bags, stuck the money in the girl’s pocket as Norvir had suggested, and followed with all haste.
    Now they were abducting three criminals and Nat wasn’t sure what Norvir planned to do with them. She didn’t think he would torture them or kill them. It did worry her that someone else might. Nat knew little about the Mazlans except that they stayed isolated, revealed little of themselves, and had originally been a political

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