Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9)

Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) by Catty Diva Page A

Book: Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) by Catty Diva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catty Diva
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penal colony. What did she know about how they treated prisoners? Right now she and Heloise were almost running to keep up with the males in front of them. Nat was proud that she’d remembered to call them males rather than men. Norvir and Morelan, their real names, had been teaching them about the etiquette on Oison.
    They made it to the ship and Nat felt relieved. Because shit had gotten real lately, Nat looked around to be sure no one was going to attack them as they boarded. She and Heloise sighed in relief as the door closed behind them. Nat had toured the ship and Norivr had explained the technology they had onboard that was available to them. It made her feel safe while she was on the ship, she didn’t think she’d get off it again.
    “What do we do?” Heloise asked.
    “You’ve been deciding everything up to now. We are in a mess, and you want me to decide what to do?” Nat glared at her good friend.
    “Do you think they’ll kill those guys?”
    “No, I don’t. Those guys weren’t using deadly force so I don’t think the Mazlans will use it either.”
    “Yes, Heloise?”
    “I’m hungry. I didn’t eat much of the appetizer. I was saving room for my meal.”
    Nat giggled. Maybe they were in shock. “Let’s go get something to eat. They won’t starve us.”
    They sat in the private dining room eating the cheeseburgers and fresh cut fires they had ordered. Nat thought they were perfect and it made her think of home. Norvir and Morelan came in while they were eating. Morelan groaned. “I’m starved to death. Want to share a few fries with me while I wait for my food?” he asked Heloise.
    Heloise finished her burger and pushed the rest of her fries to him. He immediately started wolfing them down. “Thank you.” He said through a mouthful of food. Nat shook her head as she watched him.
    Norvir didn’t ask for any food, he waited and their plates came quickly. He didn’t dig in like Morelan either, although she could see he was hungry. Her attention moved to his lips and she remembered the sweet kiss he’d given her. It made her think he might have an interest in her that wasn’t strictly professional. The man was gorgeous, she might return that interest, if it did exist.
    Right now she would admit she was tired. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m feeling tired.”
    “Are you alright?” Norvir turned his concerned look on her.
    “Just sleepy and tired of being fucked with.”
    “I can relate to that. These companies have messed with us for a while now.”
    “Did the prisoners tell you anything?”
    “They don’t want to talk, but I think they work for your friend James. We’ll find out when we get home.”
    “Home.” Nat repeated. It had been a long time since she’d felt at home anywhere.”
    “Yeah, there’s no place like home.” Heloise said with a laugh.
    “You will like Oison.” Morelan said. “I will show you around and you will have a nice place to live near mine.”
    “You will both like Oison. There are many life forms to be studied and you will be able to help us preserve something instead of watching it being destroyed.” Norvir pointed out.
    “It will feel good to make a difference. It was something we weren’t allowed to do on Earth.”
    “We appreciate your willingness to help. Let me escort you to your room. I’m finished with my meal.”
    “Okay.” Norvir stood up offering her his hand. She took it and let him help her up. They left saying goodbye. Nat felt nervous, would he kiss her again? In no time they stood outside her door.
    “Ask me in?” Norvir asked.
    “Want to come in?” She said and her heart beat like a drum. Her breath came faster and she was almost dizzy with anticipation. Nat opened the door and he followed her in.
    She turned and he was right there, almost touching. Need showed on his face, he wanted her. Was she ready for this? Yes, it wasn’t like she’d never had a lover, she’d just never had one like

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