Harley Jean Davidson 03 - Evil Elvis

Harley Jean Davidson 03 - Evil Elvis by Virginia Brown

Book: Harley Jean Davidson 03 - Evil Elvis by Virginia Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Brown
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reasoning behind putting distance between them. For a guy in his position, this new habit she’d somehow acquired had to create career conflict. It’d be like her Aunt Darcy going to work for the Republican party, when everyone knew she’d rather give up all her Manolo Blahniks than vote anything but a Democratic ticket.
    Understanding and liking it were two entirely different things, though. Usually, she could see the end of a relationship well before it finally hit the skids. This one had blind-sided her.
    “Maybe you’re so upset because he did it first,” Cami said when Harley called her later to complain about Morgan. “You know how you’ve always been the one to walk out first.”
    Camilla Watson had been her best friend since junior high and knew far too much about her past loves and crimes, just like Bobby. That could be inconvenient, but also helpful at times. This wasn’t one of those times. She didn’t want truth. She wanted sympathy and righteous indignation.
    “That’s not true,” Harley said. “Remember Alex?”
    “How could I forget? And you still walked out on him first. Yes, you did, because you called me from Oxford to say you were moving out and needed a place to stay for a night.”
    “Oh. Yeah. That was my third year of college. Stupid of me to quit college. Alex should have been the one to leave. One more day of living with him, and I’d have kicked his ass down the stairs. I guess I should have waited him out.”
    “He called me for a year after that, you know, asking about you.”
    Harley was surprised. “He did? I never knew that.”
    “Yep. Couldn’t get over the fact that you’d dumped him. It surprised me, too. I’d always thought Alex was the great love of your life.”
    “So did I. Wonder why I left him? I can’t even remember now.”
    “Neither can I. Anyway, it proves my point that you’re mostly upset because Morgan left first.”
    She thought about that a moment. Then she said, “No, I think I really miss him. The jerk.”
    “At the risk of sounding like Diva, if it’s meant to be, he’ll be back.”
    “I’m glad you didn’t quote that ‘Let it go free and if it’s meant to come back, it will’ crap that annoys the hell out of me. I prefer the other version.”
    “Which one is that?”
    “Let him go free and if he doesn’t come back, hunt him down and shoot him.”
    Cami laughed. “I’ve heard people say that when you live long enough, you know you’re better off with a cat anyway.”
    Harley glanced over at Sam. He sat on the arm of a chair washing his family jewels. Or what he had left of them. “That’s entirely possible. He’s the only male in my life or bed right now.”
    “So, other than your tawdry love life, how are things?”
    “I take it you haven’t been watching the local news.”
    “Oh God.”
    “Why is that the reaction I usually get from you?”
    “Who died?” Cami asked with a sigh.
    “This may shock you, but rumor has it that he died in 1977.”
    “I’ve heard that. This Elvis, however, was stabbed in the back of my van yesterday. It was not a pretty sight.”
    “Oh, I did hear that. It was your van? I should have known. Have you ever considered that you may be some kind of magnet for murder?”
    “Now see, that’s just what I said to Morgan. I can’t figure it out either. So today, when I was minding my own business, going right along with my usual tour guide stuff, another dead Elvis pops up.”
    “Another one? Harley, they’re going to put you under the jail.”
    “It didn’t happen in my van. It was in Lydia’s tour bus. But here’s the really strange thing—two Elvises were on that bus. Sitting together. One of them ends up dead, and one of them ends up gone. Ring any bells for you?”
    “Yes, warning bells. Stay away from this, Harley. Remember the other times you got

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