A Rockstar's Valentine

A Rockstar's Valentine by Clarise Tan, K.T. Fisher Page A

Book: A Rockstar's Valentine by Clarise Tan, K.T. Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clarise Tan, K.T. Fisher
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again. I spend a lot of time here and I don't think my parents know, at least I'm hoping they don't. I have her on speaker phone because I can't get ready at the same time as listening to her, so Jax just heard every word and laughs his incredibly sexy laugh from the bed. He really is a great sight, lying on his back with the black sheet riding low on his chest so I can see every one of his lick worthy abs. His hair is messy and his face has that cute half sleep look, damn he is so fucking sexy. He gives me a wink and flashes of the previous night together cause me  to smile.
       "Yes Jess, I am going to college. If I wanna become a hairdresser I have to actually go to college."
       "But you already know how to do it! You cut my hair all the time!"
       How many times do I have to explain this? "Yes, but I need to do three years to do everything I want to do."
       "Yeah, yeah, yeah, alright I get it, yadda, yadda, yadda. I know what I would rather be doing though."
       I hear Jax laugh from behind me and strong arms surround me. I love being in his arms. "I would like nothing more than to have my way with her again Jess, but my girl has to learn so she can reach her dream." Jax adds into the phone.
       I look at our reflection in the mirror, not surprisingly I have that dreamy look on my face. One of our many nights together, Jax let me know all about his dream of becoming a rock star and he asked me mine. My dream seemed silly compared to his massive one. He wanted a huge career, arena tours and screaming fans but all I wanted was to become a hairdresser. I wanted to be able to do everything in the beauty world and maybe just one day, have my own salon. It may be a small dream compared to Jax's, but it is still my dream and going to college will help me get there. Jax knew that, the same as all of his gigs helped him get a little closer. He knows how much this means to me and he doesn't think of mine as a small dream, he thinks mine is just as important as his and that means so much to me. He even told me if he had the money right now he would buy me that salon and yeah, I fell in love a little more.
       Jax begins to kiss up my neck so I bring mine and Jessica's conversation to an end.
       "When do we have to leave?" Jax growls into my ear
       "Thirty minutes."
       "Better get to it then." He picks me up and with my legs wrapped around him he slams my back onto the wall. I have just finished doing my hair and my man knows not to throw me on the bed and mess it up. I am going to get thoroughly fucked up against the wall and I can't wait!
       After being slammed into, bitten, licked and royally fucked I scream my release into Jax's mouth as he blows his load inside of me. After two weeks of having sex Jax demanded I go on the pill so he wouldn't have to use a condom anymore. I was a little scared at first but after a talk with my doctor I was fine. I'm still new to all of this sex stuff. Now we never use a condom and I love the feeling of nothing between us and I know Jax does. He tells me every time he is inside of me how much he loves it.
       Refreshing myself and making sure the just fucked look isn't as noticeable before I leave for college, I say goodbye to the guys. They all give me knowing looks and little comments. Yep, they just heard me right now. I've grown to love Jax's best friends as much as my own. I count them as my friends now too, family even. Yes it's quick, but that's how they make me feel. They have always welcomed me and have always been more than nice. They all keep an eye out for me at the gigs because I'm Jax's girl. They're my brothers. The only thing that isn't perfect right now is that my guys don't like Jax's guys. From the start they have made it perfectly clear how much they dislike Jax and his friends. They hate me going along to their shows and it's horrible when Jessica comes along. She loves to come and gets on with the

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