band great, but she gets shit from Sam whenever she's here. Constantly texting on her phone during the show and I know they argue about it before and after. I hate that I am the reason but she can do what she wants. I can't turn her down when she wants to come along. So apart from the guys trying to break me and Jax up nearly every day, everything is pretty sweet.
I get into the bands car and wrinkle my nose. It smells weird in here. Jax sees my face and looks guilty. "I'm sorry babe. The guys had the car last night. From the smell of it, they had their fun in here."
He rolls down the windows and starts the car. I get another whiff and I gasp. It smells of pussy, it's a strong smell so I'm guessing more than one girl was in here last night. I look down at my seat in disgust. "Ew!" I immediately want to get out of the car because I don't want any part of my body touching where some disgusting groupie touched, or came.
Jax chuckles and I shoot him a glare, I can't believe he brought me in this car when it stinks like this and it's not just the smell of dirty pussy I can smell. Jax gives me a quick kiss and drives off. "You didn't have to bring me."
"I did, you're my girl. I wanna take you." He shuffles in his seat. "Is it only girls?"
I frown. "What?"
"Are there only girls in your class?"
Oh for God's sake. "Yes, there are only girls in my hairdressing course." He visibly relaxes. "But there are other courses at the college Jax. There are guys around too." I see him tense, I think this is funny. "Sometimes we even practice on them."
"What the fuck!" I can't help but giggle. "Kendal this isn't a fucking joke."
"Oh fucking relax rock star, yes there are guys but I don't like any of them." I grab his hand and kiss it. "I love you." I reach down and grab his crotch, he instantly gets hard.
"Christ, don't babe. I'm gonna lose control."
I giggle and let it go. I love when he goes alpha male on me, especially in the bedroom.
He pulls up outside my college ten minutes later and straight away he spots a group of guys outside. I hide my smile and get out the car, pulling my hair kit from the back seat. If you didn't know from the small suitcase I pull along, the uniform I am wearing tells everyone I'm one of the hairdressing girls. Black trousers and a black zip up tunic with white diamantes and name tag. The hairdressing girls wear black, beauticians wear white. As soon as I'm finished in the black uniform I'm wearing the white. I want to be able to do everything I can, so when I own my own place, I know everything.
As soon as I place my case on the floor I am grabbed from behind and spun around. I gasp from surprise, not from being scared. I know who has a hold of me and I will never be scared of Jax. He may look dangerous, but he would never hurt me. He cups my face in his large rough hands and captures my mouth in a hungry kiss and I melt. I forget where we are and what I am doing until I hear whistles and shouts of encouragement. I break away and blush. "I fucking love it when you blush." I duck my face, God this is embarrassing. I grab my case handle and look back up and see Jax looking behind me. I turn and see it's the large group of guys outside of the college grounds. So that was a show of claim, figures. Jax sees me notice and smiles, dimples and all. "I had to show them you're mine." I really, really, really want to argue, but I can't.
After saying our goodbyes and me agreeing to let him pick me up at the end of my day, he gives me another kiss and I walk to my class. I have an excited feeling bubbling inside, I always get like this whenever I come here, I love it that much.
This is the start of my second year and I can't wait to get started. As I sit down and wait for the teacher, a smiling and very pretty blonde sits down beside me. "Hey, mind if I sit here?"
"No." I
Helen Harper
Jonathan Stroud
Loretta Chase
James Lepore
Jaycee Clark
Hans Rosling
Heather Abraham
Rebecca Pawel
Robin Pilcher
Candice Dow, Daaimah S. Poole