A Sister's Forgiveness
covering, but he followed him back to where Emma waited with Sadie.
    “Evidence,” Lars said when Emma raised her eyebrows in silent question. “The car needs to be examined. And Sadie will need to answer some questions.”
    Of course. It was an accident like any accident. There would be questions. Sadie would be questioned. And Dan. Emma’s heart went into overdrive as her instincts to protect her child from any further agony on this morning came to the fore. “She needs medical attention,” she told the officer.
    Hester was sitting on the curb next to Dan. “They both do,” she added with a nod toward Dan.
    “We’ll see that they get it,” the officer assured her. “For now…”
    Emma took a step that positioned her between the officer and Sadie.
    Lars touched her arm. “Emma, their ways may not—”
    Without a word, Emma turned and led Sadie toward the second ambulance. She was speaking with the paramedic when the officer caught up with them. But before he could reach them, Geoff grabbed the man’s arm.
    “I have to get to the hospital, and your partner says I can’t take my car because we can’t move this one until—”
    “You can ride with me,” Lars said, indicating his car across the street. “Emma will go with Sadie. The paramedic says that she’s going to need stitches and to be completely checked over by a doctor,” he continued, addressing the police officer.
    The officer glanced toward the second ambulance. Dan was being helped into the passenger seat. “Okay, your daughter can ride along in that ambulance—in the back. My partner will ride with them.”
    “I want to—” Emma began.
    “Ma’am, you and your husband can follow in your car, but your daughter and her boyfriend…”
    “Let’s go,” Lars said, taking Emma’s arm and guiding her across the street before she could say anything that might further antagonize the police officer. Geoff was already in the car, his head resting against the window as he stared into space.

Chapter 8
    A t the emergency room, a team of medical personnel came running toward the ambulance as soon as it pulled into the circular drive. In a flurry of activity, the EMTs delivered information about Tessa’s status at the same time they lowered the gurney to the ground and started wheeling her inside. Just as they got past the automated doors, someone gently pulled Jeannie aside.
    “Ma’am, please step over here,” the gray-haired woman said. “We need you to give us some information so the doctors can treat your daughter.”
    “No. “Jeannie dug in her heels.
    The woman looked a little shocked. Had no one ever dared to refuse the protocol before? Jeannie couldn’t imagine that. “My husband will be here shortly, and then one of us will be glad to give you any information you need. If the doctors need her medical history, then they need me to be nearby.”
    Logic had never been Jeannie’s strong suit, but she felt certain that she was making a good case now. “So either you come with me to wherever they have taken my daughter and ask your questions, or it will just have to wait.” Jeannie patted the woman’s hand, removing it from her arm and heading down the hall and through the double doors where they had taken Tessa.
    Moving quickly she checked every cubicle and room in the emergency ward until she saw a cluster of men and women in white coats and green scrubs at the far end of the U-shaped area. She heard footsteps behind her as she started running toward the doctors.
    “Jeannie,” Geoff called, catching up to her. “Where is she?”
    “Back here, I think.” She’d never been so glad to see Geoff in her life. He grabbed hold of her hand, and together they hurried toward the curtained area where someone had set Tessa’s backpack on a chair.
    “We’re her parents,” Geoff announced unnecessarily as they pushed their way into the midst of the medical team surrounding Tessa. She was lying on her back, her hair fanned out

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