A Summer Smile

A Summer Smile by Iris Johansen Page A

Book: A Summer Smile by Iris Johansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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arms. I think we'd both like that.
    She nodded, her throat tight. "Okay." His chest was warm and solid and the soft mat cushioned her naked back as he turned her spoon fashion, his palms lovingly cupping her breasts. Her hair splayed in a silken mass over his upper arm.
    Treasured. The word came to her even as weariness flowed over her in an irresistible tide. Desire was still there, smoldering low, but it was that blessed feeling of being treasured that she was most conscious of now. Considering that he was a dangerous man who had exploded into her life with shocking violence, she was astounded that she should feel this way in his arms. Treasured and protected and . . .
    She awoke to darkness and the uneasy feeling that something was wrong. Yet what could be wrong? she wondered drowsily. Daniel's arms were still around her, holding her securely, his warm breath feathering her ear. Her forehead knitted in a frown as she realized what was wrong. Daniel's breathing was jerky and labored and his arms around her were shaking. He was trembling as if he were a malaria victim! The panic that thought engendered jolted her wide awake.
    "Daniel?" She tried to sit up but his arms were suddenly rigid manacles around her. "What's wrong?"
    "Nothing's wrong." The words were jerky, as if they were spoken between clenched teeth. "Go back to sleep."
    "There is something wrong," she insisted. "Are you ill?"
    He laughed shortly. "If you can call being gutless ill, then I guess I am."
    "Gutless? I don't know what you're talking about." Her concern was growing by the second. "Daniel, what's wrong? Dammit, you're scaring me."
    He drew a deep breath. "God knows I didn't want to do that. Look, there's nothing to be afraid about. It's just my damn nerves. I told you I didn't like walls around me. I thought I had it under control, but I woke up and there it was gibbering at me in the darkness. Sometimes it happens like that. I'll be all right in a few minutes. Go back to sleep."
    "Let me go, Daniel. I'm not going to go meekly back to sleep and leave you like this. I couldn't do that." She felt a slight loosening of his arms and she turned over to face him. Her arms slipped about his waist with an instinctive maternal protectiveness as old as time. "Now, what's wrong? Tell me."
    The darkness was complete. It both isolated and bound them together with an unbelievable intimacy. It must be like this floating in space, she thought vaguely as her hands began to soothingly stroke the tense slide of muscles that corded Daniel's back and shoulders.
    "Why?" she asked softly. "If you suffer this badly from claustrophobia, why the devil are we here in this cave?"
    "I told you why." His lips were buried in her hair, and the words were scarcely audible. He was obviously trying to stifle the trembling that was wracking his body, but an occasional shiver still shook him. There's no way I'm going to make a bad situation riskier because of this damn weakness." He was speaking through set teeth. "It's been years since it happened. I thought I could control it."
    "Since what happened?"
    "A number of years ago I found myself thrown by a revolutionary group into a sod hut about the size of a postage stamp in the middle of the desert. It was six months before Clancy blew the group and got me out. My nerves were in pretty bad shape, so I left Sedikhan for a few years. I batted around the world for a while as captain of a schooner and then came back to work
    for Clancy."
    "You were a sea captain?" Zilah's eyes were wide with curiosity.
    "There weren't any walls," he said simply. "I needed that."
    She felt a rush of sympathy so strong that she couldn't prevent helpless tears from forming in her eyes, and she couldn't speak for a moment without revealing the pity she felt. She hated pity herself and she could see that he detested revealing his weakness. Despite his offhand explanation, those few words had drawn a graphic picture that made her shudder. How terrible it must

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