A Summer Smile
    She made a face. "Honesty is all very well, but I could have used a little comforting prevarication at moment."
    "Prevarication, no, comfort, yes." He rose to his knees and pulled her swiftly into his arms. "I could K a little comfort myself." His lips were nuzzling at throat. "You feel like velvet and you taste ..." His tongue licked delicately at the pulse in her throat.
    She chuckled. "Is this what you categorize as comfort?" He nipped gently at the soft flesh beneath her chin and she felt an odd throbbing start in the tips of her breasts as if he'd pulled a secret erotic wire. "It doesn't feel very comfortable to me."
    "Then you'll have to settle for pleasant." There was a flicker of mischief in the glance he gave her. "You have to admit that this is quite pleasant." His big hands were suddenly cupping her breasts, weighing and toying with them through the cotton of the shirt. She gasped and she could hear him give a low laugh. "Pleasant?"
    "Remind me to buy you a dictionary," she whispered. "That's not the right word either."
    His index finger was tracing the whorl of her nipple through the shirt, and she could feel herself hardening and peaking more with each circle of that
    teasing fingertip.
    "It's only a question of comparison. What I'm doing to you now is only pleasant"—his finger inserted itself between the buttons of her shirt with shocking suddenness—"when you compare it to
    The touch of his skin against her nipple sent heat rocketing through her. His finger was rubbing back and forth against the naked peak, then began flicking it with a fingernail with every pass. "What word would your dictionary use to describe this, Zilah?"
    There weren't any words. She was being jolted by tremors with each tantalizing touch. "Daniel ..."
    His navy blue eyes were narrowed with satisfaction on her face. "You like that, don't you? I love that expression on your face; I love to know that what I'm doing is causing it."
    Then his hands were rapidly unbuttoning her shirt and pushing it down her arms until it fell to the silver mat. "Ah, that's what I wanted." His eyes were caressing her with the same magic as his hands.
    "Lovely. All gold and pink and touched with warmth." He brought her close, rubbing her naked breasts sensually against the cloud of auburn hair on his chest. "My lovely summer girl."
    "What?" she asked dazedly.
    "Never mind," he muttered. His head was bent, his tongue gently stroking her nipple. She felt a white-hot shiver run through her. His lips closed on her with a strong suction that caused her back to arch and a low cry to break from her throat.
    He lifted his head and drew a long, shaky breath.
    Dear heaven, I want to be inside you. I want to hear you cry out like that when I come into you and fill you.
    I want to move and twist until every part of you belongs to me. To feel you tighten and pull at me."
    He shook his head as if to clear it. "I think we were pretty close to sending up a few Roman candles." He grinned. "I never did like fooling around with the little stuff."
    "I gathered that"—her heart was pounding so nard she could scarcely speak—"from your conversation."
    "I told you I wasn't subtle." He suddenly frowned n concern. "I tend to get a bit graphic on occasion.   Did I offend you?"
    "No." He had excited her. She drew a shaky breath. "You didn't offend me."
    His eyes were narrowed shrewdly on her face. You liked it." He smiled. "And you like me. We fit, don't we, love?"
    "Yes, I think perhaps we do." She returned his smile and then her breath abruptly caught in her at as she met his eyes. The world narrowed down   just the two of them in a dark intimacy that glowed
    1 all manner of starlike things. She pulled her gaze away with an effort. "I guess I'm not much on subtlety either."
    "Lie down."
    Her eyes flew to his in surprise.
    He smiled slightly and shook his head. "No Roman candles, not even any firecrackers. Just you sleeping in my

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