A Talent for Surrender

A Talent for Surrender by Madeline Bastinado

Book: A Talent for Surrender by Madeline Bastinado Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madeline Bastinado
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work dressed in rubber, would you? I can’t imagine it going down very well with the Board of Governors, for a start.’
    ‘I suppose not. You’ve piqued my interest now. Come on, you’ve got to put me out of my misery.’
    ‘You’ll have to ask her yourself, I’m afraid. But I will say that, even though I’m a dom, if I ever found myself kneeling at her feet naked and quivering, I would count myself a very lucky man.’

    That night in bed Jo cuddled up behind Costas, his buttocks nestled into her lap. Her arm was wrapped around his chest, her hand in his. She could feel his hard muscles and smooth skin. She could feel the birdcage of his ribs rise and fall as he breathed.
    Outside an owl hooted. Jo could hear Costas’s watch ticking on the bedside table. She listened as his breathing slowed and sleep relaxed and softened his muscles. She closed her eyes.
    When she woke up it was light outside and Costas was gone. Jo reached across the bed and stroked the dent his head had left in the pillow. She smiled to herself. The first time he’d disappeared in the night she’d worried that something was wrong but he’d assured her it was nothing personal. He just preferred waking up in his own bed.
    She turned over and looked at the alarm clock’s digital display. It was 5 a.m. Jo slid over to Costas’s side of the bed where the sheets were cool and his smell still lingered.
    More than an hour later she was still awake. Her logic told her it was still the middle of the night, but the bright sunlight streaming in through the open curtains told her senses it was daytime. She slid out of bed and put on her dressing gown and slippers. She fetched a towel from the bathroom and let herself out of the flat, leaving the door on the latch.
    Downstairs, she pulled back the huge iron bolts on the front door and walked down the steps onto the drive. As soon as she reached the lawn, she stepped out of her slippers. The grass was cool and dew-damp under her feet. Jo could see the sun gleaming off the glassy surface of the lake.
    She walked out to the centre of the bridge over the lake and put down her towel on top of the knee-high stone balustrade. She undid the belt of her silk robe and slid it off. The sun warmed her naked skin. A cool breeze stiffened her nipples. She stepped up onto the wall and dived into the green water, barely rippling the surface.
    The lake was cold and silent and vast. She could hear the sounds of nature all around her; birds twittering overhead, the breeze rustling the leaves, the hoarse calls of the waterfowl.
    She could smell the moist aroma of earth and the green vegetable scent of the waterweed. She moved silently through the water, doing breaststroke. On the bank a swan preened its wings.
    Her wet body gleamed in the light. Her normally pale nipples were dark and wrinkled. She lay on her back in the water and looked up at the cloudless blue sky. High above, a flock of geese flew in formation. She could see the white vapour trail of a jet.
    The sun hurt her eyes and she closed them. The water muffled and muted all sounds. She could hear the sound of her own breathing and blood pumping in her ears. She could hear the water itself lapping around her body.
    Jo kicked her legs and languidly snaked her arms, steering herself in the direction of a wooden jetty that jutted out into the lake. She could feel the strength of the water as it resisted her limbs. As she neared the jetty, she rolled over onto her front and swam to the edge. She heaved herself up onto the wooden planking and climbed out.
    Back in the house, she showered and washed her hair then made coffee and toast. She put her breakfast on a tray and carried it through to the living room. As she sat down on the sofa she noticed the DVD Dan had given her on the coffee table. She went over and switched on the TV and put the disc into the player.
    Dan was definitely handsomer in the flesh, she reflected as she watched the screen. And he was much

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