A Toiling Darkness
around and took in what I just did. He ignored the charm of
the area and focused on me after only a couple seconds.
    “Why did we have to run?” he asked. “Why did
you bring me with you?”
    “I’ve seen it all too many times. A child
dead only leads to chaos filled with quick irrational judgments.
That group would have seen us and turned into a lynch mob.”
    “You could have left me.”
    “Probably should have,” I grumbled and then
sighed. “I couldn’t risk them hurting or taking you. You have
information I want.”
    Kalen raised his eyebrows. “Then ask.”
    “Do you like McLaren’s Burgers?”
    “McLaren’s…What is that?” he asked,
completely confused by the question. He was definitely not from
this city. Anyone local knew the place.
    “A great burger joint. Best burgers in the
    “And…you want to go eat some with me?”
    “Their fries are good too.”
    “A date?” He cocked his eyebrow.
    I laughed. “Not in this decade. What about
hotdogs? Do you like hotdogs?”
    He turned to me, completely suspicious now.
    “Do you like to drive? Ride a bike? How
about running?”
    “Is this an interview?”
    “You said ask, so I’m asking.”
    “I doubt my personal life is a concern of
    “Really? Are you sure? I’m always interested
in how humans like to live.” I smiled.
    “Aren’t there more…I don’t know, more
important questions to ask?”
    “You know, you haven’t answered a single
question yet.”
    “Maybe because your questions are childish,”
he said with a glint in his eyes. He was totally amused now.
    “Well, I’m not living a complete lie.” I
shrugged and when I moved closer to him, he stepped back. Still so
    “So is that the kind of information you
want? Just some basic, personal bio stuff?”
    “Who’s your master?”
    His whole body grew still. “From one extreme
to the other,” he muttered.
    “I like to cover all my bases.”
    “I can’t tell you and even if I could, I
    “Why not? You easily told me what your
orders were. I thought that was nice of you by the way. Could’ve
just told me to scamper off, instead you answered me seriously. And
yet you can’t tell me who put this curse on you? Tell me, maybe I
can help you.”
    “Look…Darkness, I don’t get what you’re
about and even though I’m curious, I don’t have time to find out. I
get the sense that you want something from me, but right now I need
to find who killed that little girl.”
    “I told you, a human did. It has nothing to
do with you.”
    He stepped towards me, his expression
twisted in anger. “It has everything to do with me. That little
girl is dead and her sister is missing.”
    “Still nothing to do with you. A human
killed her. Not a being.”
    “A being has to be involved.”
    “Why are you so damn determined to blame a
    “Because it is! I can feel is.” His anger
was barely contained now.
    “Instincts?” I asked thoughtfully. “Those
have to be some damn good instincts.”
    “I’m going to find her and you aren’t going
to stop me.”
    “Actually, I can and I’m willing. You’ll
only get yourself killed and I need you alive for now.”
    Kalen pulled out a ten inch silver blade. He
pulled it so fast that I ended up missing where it came from. To
think he was hiding that on him the entire time gave him brownie
points. He was more prepared than I thought.
    My eyes trailed along the sharp edge of the
blade. Magic dripped off the tip and dissolved into the air. Only a
witch could make a blade like that and from the looks of it, it
could do some serious damage. The sun glinted off the blade making
it reflect the light into my eyes. I blinked against the glare and
got ready for a fight. No one but me could see his knife. He faced
away from the public’s eye and held it in a way so that only I
could see it.
    “Is that supposed to scare me?” I asked,
unimpressed with his little show. He handled the blade well,

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