A Touch Mortal
the hand at her shoulder.
    “I think that’s a fucking brilliant idea, Sebastian.” Madeline flicked her hand toward the door and the dozen leftover teenagers trudged out silently.
    “Madeline.” Kristen’s voice dropped, her eyes steely. “You will not whisper a word of this. Are we clear?”
    “Az’s girlfriend a Sider?” Madeline threw a hand on her hip. “Keeping that secret is going to cost you.” Eden stared. Who the hell were these people?
    Kristen sighed. “I am aware of that.”
    “I’ll call you with my price.” Madeline smiled with satisfaction and headed out the door.
    “And now…,” Sebastian trailed off, his chin jutting Eden’s way.
    “I know that, Sebastian,” Kristen ground out before turning to Eden. “Would you follow me?” She wandered across the floor, kicking a streamer out of the way. Eden took a few steps before she stopped, hesitating between the staircase and the front door. Sebastian leaned against it, his arms crossed over his chest. His stance didn’t exactly scream “you’re free to go.”
    “I’m not going up there. Where’s Gabe?” Eden asked. “And what the hell is a Sider?”
    Kristen had made it halfway up the staircase. She groaned when Eden spoke, throwing her head back in frustration. “Could you please just follow me?”
    “I want to go home.” The whole night had been one mind-fuck after another.
    Kristen dropped back down half a dozen steps. When she spoke, her words were slow and short, patronizing. “It’s been a disaster of an evening. I am using the very last of my patience to show you back to your room, after which I’ll be tracking down Cameron to ensure his failure has a fitting consequence.”
    “My room?” Eden stepped back once, toward the door.
    Kristen swept up the rest of the stairs, coming to a stop at the top. “Gabriel left you in my care. Perhaps you’ll follow me for his sake?”
    “Where is he?” She couldn’t keep the shaking from her voice.
    “He was concerned about your safety while he addressed some…” She met Eden’s eye. “Issues that came up tonight.”
    “Then give me a phone. I’m not staying here. I need to call home for a ride.” She knew it wasn’t likely anyone would answer, didn’t care. She’d fake the phone call and get the hell out. “My mom has to be freaking out,” she added. “She’s probably filed a missing person’s report by now.”
    Kristen leaned against the banister, watching her in silence. “I doubt that very much.”
    Then she spun, heading down the hall, ending the conversation, leaving Eden little choice but to follow.
    The first few doors on either side of the hall had been closed, light glowing from under the cracks beneath them. Beyond those few, though, they were all open and dark. Kristen finally reached into one, flipping the switch. Eden slowed her steps, leery. She watched Kristen for a moment from the threshold before she sat on the edge of the bed. Kristen closed the door, leaned against it.
    “If I could just call Gabe,” Eden started, but Kristen waved her into silence. She ignored her. “You’re a friend of his?”
    Kristen ran a finger down the door, tapping her nail against the knob. “One might say that.” Her tone suggested something more.
    Eden raised an eyebrow at the insinuation. “Then clearly you don’t know him that well.”
    Kristen threw her head back as she laughed. “Really now? Isn’t it possible that you don’t know him as well as you thought?”
    The air seemed to leave her lungs. Everything she’d known had been twisted around tonight.
    Kristen rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Eden, you’re such an open book. I can actually see you puzzling it out.” Hervoice rose an octave, mocking. “‘This girl I’ve just met told me he was lying so he must be.’” Her face went hard. “Gabe is your friend. Try to show some fucking loyalty, hmm?”
    Eden’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Who are you?”
    “Where were you tonight, Eden?

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