A Turn of Curses
take you himself if I didn't." Faldon spoke in the calm voice she knew from his human form.
    "Keep your promise, Faldon," Bastien said. "If you're cured, you can challenge Ballik. You promised us mares. We won't have it if you can't win."
    Faldon pinned his ears and lunged at Bastien. The other stallion's ears flattened and he whirled. Hooves flew at his face, but Faldon swerved to avoid it. He bit a chunk of hide on Bastien's shoulder. When Bastien pulled away with a squeal, a bloody wound remained. Faldon spat out the hide in his mouth and turned to kick, but Bastien ducked.
    The ordeal ended, but Bastien stayed away from the group.
    Faldon stood with his head up on a proudly arched neck, watching the other. "You doubt me?"
    Bastien shook his head, sending dark mane slapping into disarray across his long neck.
    "Take her to Antorin," Dewel said. "If Sorvin has other intentions, we'll stop him."
    "I won't cooperate with him." Selina hoped Faldon listened to reason. He saved her life from the night mares. If she could help him, she would, though she wished she could make him see the advantage of what he considered a curse. He could be the perfect ambassador to bring the peace he sought.
    Faldon stared at her, a hint of humanity in those dark eyes.
    "Isn't it worth the chance?" Meris said.
    With his head low, Faldon walked to within arm's reach of Selina. "He'll try to force you to his way. Sorvin is not a patient man."
    "You'll be there. I'm not afraid." She hoped he didn't see the flush that warmed her cheeks. Although he demonstrated his true behavior, she knew the humanity within him. He cared about his principles with more passion than anyone she knew. That realization intrigued her, and she wanted to learn more.
    Faldon took several steps away. "Come. You'll need supplies in Dorrinton."
    Selina took a deep breath and followed, relieved that he finally conceded. And after what she learned, she didn't want to walk into the Ivory Palace without the feyquin.
    After a brief stop in Dorrinton for provisions and rest, Selina set off with the feyquin. Faldon rejoined her at night, after disappearing briefly and returning as a clothed man. She could only guess that he went off to transform where he could find clothes. He never explained himself and she wasn't inclined to ask.
    He changed since their encounter with the night mares, arguing less and answering her questions. She learned about the stories passed down through generations of a time when men rode feyquin into battle as partners defending their lands against monstrous invaders.
    "I don't believe it." She couldn't imagine any of the feyquin allowing humans on their backs.
    "It was long ago, a time when demons and other monsters terrorized the lands." Faldon walked next to her, his head level with hers. "Men and feyquin fought together. After the wars subsided, men settled down and chased feyquin from the best grazing lands. Despite the betrayal, we continue to chase off horrors. Most humans fear us now, unaware of the truth."
    "I can understand why, after what you did to me."
    "It was not our intention to cause harm." He spoke in a gentle voice.
    Selina bowed her head, sorry for her behavior, her eyes on the path before her. "I know."
    "I'm tired, Selina. Tired of fighting with men for the right to live in peace. Tired of trying to keep my pact with Antorin's great-grandfather for grazing lands. I'm tired of being blamed for men's troubles. And I'm tired of Sorvin's treachery. My only consolation is that he shares my curse."
    Selina straightened at what she now suspected. "How does he share your curse?"
    "Demons delight in causing torment and trouble, and their favors always come with a price. In Sorvin's case, he takes the shape of a feyquin at night."
    Selina let her breath out in a gust, which burst into a fit of laughter. It forced her to halt to catch her breath. Her sides ached and tears wet her cheeks. Sorvin, a feyquin. And Faldon, a man.
    Faldon and the others

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