A Twist of Betrayal
here, I’d be walking you to your door.”
    “It’s nice to know chivalry isn’t dead, after all.”
    He didn’t know about chivalry. He did know he didn’t want the night with her to end.
    The snow was still falling, and flakes of white landed in her dark hair. Dan wanted to brush it away for her. “Can I see you again?” he asked instead.
    “Yes,” she replied without hesitation.
    Justine laughed softly. “Tomorrow?”
    “I really want—” Dan stopped. How could he tell her he wanted to get to know her more without sounding as if the knowing would be only physical? Because the truth was he did want her physically. But there was more to it than that. His desire went deeper, touching everything about her and sending it to his soul. It was like a need, a need to explore her total aspect of being—spiritually, physically, emotionally, and sexually. All of her. And he couldn’t deny the fact that if she invited him home with her right now, he wasn’t sure if he could refuse. “I just want to see you again,” he said and smiled. He told himself there was nothing wrong with that.
    “I want to see you, too,” she said, suddenly sounding for the first time like the sharp lawyer in the courtroom he’d watched that morning. For a long moment, neither spoke, and Dan was certain there was something more she wanted to say but didn’t.
    Instead, she reached out and took his hand. Her touch was like an electrical current trying to reach in and shock his soul. He couldn’t let go of her.
    “Tomorrow then?” he asked.
    “I don’t know. It looks as though the case in court will probably be wrapped up tomorrow. If that’s true, I’ll need to spend tomorrow night writing my closing argument,” she explained.
    A snowflake landed on her cheek, and Dan watched it melt against the warmth of her face. “Well, can I call you then? Maybe I could bring you a sandwich or a pizza or something. You still have to eat.”
    She reached into her purse and pulled out one of her cards. “I’d like that. Here’s my office number.” She suddenly sounded more like the lawyer he’d seen earlier.
    Dan took her in his arms before she had the chance to do what lawyers do—protest—and he kissed her.
    Her lips were soft and warm against the cold of the night.
    Her lips were wonderful. She tasted of cream and coffee and an underlying womanly taste all her own. A taste, he wanted to sample again and again.
    She moaned softly and kissed him back. And he had the strangest feeling she’d somehow been made just for him.
    Dan felt her through her coat against his chest. And for the first time since she accepted his invitation to dinner, Dan was uncertain of himself. He could date her, hold her hand, but he couldn’t kiss her. Not again. Not without letting go of a big part of himself, a part he wasn’t sure he could let go of, a part he hadn’t really known had been a part of him until now.
    Dan let her go suddenly, as though he didn’t trust himself. Her kiss left him feeling almost drunk and lightheaded. And he didn’t like the idea that someone, anyone , could have such power over him.
    She opened the door of her car. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    He nodded and watched her safely get into the car. He walked slowly away, making sure it started and she left without any problems. And he ignored the need to unzip his coat and let the cold air and snow cool him. Tomorrow , he thought. It couldn’t come fast enough for him.
    As it happened, he saw her again in the courtroom the next day since he was called back to the stand a second time. And he was glad he was. If he hadn’t been recalled, he wouldn’t have been there to save her life.

Chapter 7
    Dan would have liked to stay there and dwell on that first perfect kiss, but first he had to save Justine from that crazy bastard. In order to do so, he would be forced to go back into his own painful past, a past he didn’t want to face.
    Hell, he didn’t want to

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