Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3)

Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3) by Laura R Cole

Book: Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3) by Laura R Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura R Cole
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, dragon, Runes, mage, spells, sword
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here and there into
Nathair’s everyday life, and Nathair had been mostly able to ignore
that he was there. The god’s paranoia was beginning to fray
Nathair’s nerves, however, as the feeling that he was internally
biting his nails was prevalent every day. He itched to get out
there and DO something about it, but Nuko had felt confident that
this dream plan was their best approach. They did not know where
the girls currently were so going out looking for them would be a
pointless waste of energy.
    Nathair thought that it was a shame that Nuko
couldn’t feel where his body was; if he was missing his physical
form he felt sure that he’d maintain a connection to it. He was
rather attached to his body. He smiled to himself as he drifted off
into sleep.
    In his mind he saw a vision of his mother,
looking uncharacteristically demure in a long white overcoat and he
frowned. The last time she had invaded his dreams it hadn’t turned
out pleasant in the least. Her form swirled into a whirlwind of
white and he sank deeper into sleep.
    Nathair found himself swept up in the
tornado, sand whipping his face, and he was thrown roughly to the
    He stood, and found himself in a desert. He
looked around and saw something in the distance. He squinted his
eyes against the harsh sunlight and raised a hand to shade
    Something was moving.
    He walked towards it and stared at it,
willing his eyes to focus. Frustrated at his inability to do so, he
switched to dragon form. Swinging his now reptilian head back
around towards the speck in the distance he attempted to identify
it once more.
    It was Katya! He had found her. He sprang
into the air and winged towards her gleefully. But she kept getting
farther and farther away, as if he was going the wrong direction!
He looked back over his shoulder and stopped dead in the air. He
hovered in shock. There she was behind him too. He looked forward
where she had been previously, but she was gone.
    Nathair growled and in a mighty swish of air
changed his course. He never took his eyes off her, but still she
seemed to be getting farther away. He dove towards the ground and
transformed as his feet hit the sand, breaking into a run towards
    This time, the tiny speck grew larger until
even his human eyes could make out that it was her. He shouted her
name, and she looked up…and disappeared.
    Nathair shot awake and smiled to himself. He
had done it! He had made contact with her. Next time would be that
much easier to find her, and then, they would find out everything
they needed to know.
    Jezebel had spent quite a few hours debating
whether or not to share the news with Devon. In the end, she
decided on a compromise: She would tell him that she knew where
they were going now because she had a map, but she wouldn’t tell
him that it was because she’d been shown the image when the disk
had been exposed to fire, nor would she tell him exactly where they
were going until they arrived.
    She gave him instructions to gather the
necessary supplies for the trek, and made a few additions herself.
When the disc had hit the fireplace, an image had formed in the air
around the flames which Jezebel recognized as being a map of
Gelendan and Treymayne. She had experimented with it for quite some
time and was extremely impressed with the complexity of it.
    Instead of being a flat drawing like the
parchment maps she had seen, this one looked like miniature
mountains where the mountain range should be and the water in the
river almost looked like you could dip your finger into it. And, if
you pressed it at a certain spot, it would zoom in on the area, or
move around as you willed it. Even better, there were about twenty
or so glowing blue dots on it that when she had zoomed in far
enough she found were the locations of secret tombs, libraries, and
manors which each held one of the ancient books. She assumed that
the disc must have been some sort of safeguard of all of the
collective knowledge that

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