Beyond the Horizon (The Sons of Templar MC Book 4)

Beyond the Horizon (The Sons of Templar MC Book 4) by Anne Malcom

Book: Beyond the Horizon (The Sons of Templar MC Book 4) by Anne Malcom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Malcom
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    “I’ll text you,” I promised.
    “Okay, hon. And I know it’s your first time. So be sure. Be comfortable. Make sure he treats you right ... and that he takes care of you before he finishes,” she added mischievously.
    I rolled my eyes. “Okay, gross, Mom.”
    “Text me if he does turn out to be an idiot and stand my beauty up. I’ll come and get you,” she offered.
    “Mom, it’s late. I’m not doing that,” I protested.
    “I’m up, not likely to be going to sleep, I’m feeling inspired,” she told me brightly.
    This too was not unusual. My mom was an artist and came with all the idiosyncrasies of being creative. When she was inspired she was usually in a sort of trance, not eating, sleeping, or anything until she was done. This happened routinely over the course of my childhood, and when it did happen, I’d take over all of the household chores and responsibilities. I guessed a lot of kids would resent their moms for obsessively painting for days at a time and leaving them to shop for groceries and pay power bills, but I didn’t. It was part of what made my mom who she was. She accepted every part of me, even the parts I couldn’t accept.
    “Okay,” I relented, knowing how embarrassing it would be to get my mom to pick me up when Asher realized that he could do much better than me.
    “Love you, baby,” she said.
    “Love you too,” I whispered back.
    I rang off and stared into the darkness, the sounds of laughter and music carrying slightly.
    Who was I kidding?
    Asher wasn’t coming back.
    “You’re an idiot, Lily,” I muttered to myself, lifting my phone to call my mom and request extraction from this situation.
    “What are you doing hiding in dark corners talking to yourself, Little Flower?” Asher’s voice came out of the darkness.
    I jumped and let out a muffled squeal as his hands circled around me. His arms tightened on my mid-section and brought my back flush to his front.
    “Not that I mind being in a dark corner with you, baby. It means I get to put my hands wherever I want without unwelcome eyes,” his voice tickled my ear, and his hand ran up my side to the bottom of my breast, his other hand dancing at the top of my pants.
    I sucked in a strangled breath, wanting his fingers to move, needing them to, but also vaguely aware of the people not far away. It didn’t even matter to me he was a virtual stranger, and his hands were roving in a way that was decidedly familiar. It felt right. Or maybe that was my hormones talking. Or tequila. Or this was an invasion of the body snatchers type situation. Either way, I was enjoying it. And my little holiday away from the shy and anxious Lily.
    He stayed like that a moment, before he spun me round, quick enough to make my head spin and his hands spanned my neck. I could make out his silhouette in the darkness, but not much more.
    “But,” he continued, “someone like you, is not someone to be quickly taken in a dark corner. Someone like you needs to be savored, worshiped, in the light, where I can get a full view of your magnificence,” he declared roughly.
    My stomach did a little flip. I didn’t even care that what he was saying was impossible. Me, magnificent? He was obviously using some line to get me into bed. He didn’t need to. His words and his deep husky voice hypnotized me nonetheless.
    “So, we’re leaving. Are you good with that babe?” he questioned.
    “Um, yeah,” I muttered. “Does this mean I get to ride on your bike?” I asked as he clasped my hand and yanked me out of the darkness.
    He gave me a sideways grin. “Only way I ever take you anywhere is on the back of my bike,” he answered firmly as we rounded the house.
    It didn’t even matter I was leaving without saying goodbye. I knew it was rude, but I wasn’t about to ruin my chances of handing my V card to a sex god for mere pleasantries. I needed him now before he realized just how plain I was. We stopped in front of a beautiful sleek bike,

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