    He nodded. “Yes.”
    “Well, then it must be a sequence thing.” I paused for a moment as another thought occurred to me. “Tell me, did he ever actually press the star key, or did he just threaten you with it?”
    He shook his head. “No, he only told me what it would do.”
    I chuckled slightly. “And if you ever got hold of the remote, that was absolutely the last button you would ever dream of pushing to attempt to escape, right?”
“Well, hold on, Cat. Here goes nothing!” I said, as I pushed the star key, followed by the left arm control.
    My slave started to lunge forward to stop me and began to roar, but stopped short as the left arm cuff sprang open. If he’d been from Earth, his response would undoubtedly have been, “Well, I’ll be a sonofabitch!” but since he was from somewhere else, he just blinked and stared at his free hand in complete and total disbelief.
    “Should have known a big, fat liar like that wouldn’t have told you the truth about it, now, shouldn’t you?” I chided him.
    “I must be very stupid,” he remarked, still marveling at his left hand.
    “Nope, just a little too trusting of a known liar,” I said with a chuckle. “Like my old Grandpa used to say, ‘A thief can only take what you’ve got, but a liar can get you killed!’”
    I popped off the rest of his limb restraints and noticed that we had an additional problem: the ring through his penis didn’t appear to be removable.
    “Better hold onto that chain,” I suggested, “or your ying-yang might get yanked.”
    Cat did as I told him and I popped off the remaining cuffs. “Don’t worry about that ring,” I said. “I’ve got some tools and we can at least cut through the chain, even if we can’t remove the ring—although I doubt it’s made of something so hard that I can’t get it out with my bolt cutters.”
    In a classic male response, I noticed him wincing when I mentioned the bolt cutters. “Don’t worry, I’ll be
very careful!” I assured him. “I won’t have to cut through your penis to get it out.” He went slightly pale when I said that. “Oh, don’t be silly! It’ll be just like taking out a pierced earring!”
    “No,” he said firmly. “It will not. A penis is nothing like an ear lobe.”
    “True,” I conceded, “but like I said, I’ll be very careful. You won’t feel a thing.”
    He still appeared skeptical. “Now, where have I heard that before?”
    “Ha!” I exclaimed. “So you do have a sense of humor!
    I was beginning to have my doubts.” I went off to the storage area and, after a bit of rummaging around managed to find my tool box. It’s amazing just how much a person can accumulate during six years aboard the same ship— like a house that you’ve lived in so long that you either need to get rid of some stuff or just give up and move.
    Returning triumphantly from my search, I brandished the bolt cutters with a few quick chops in the air to demonstrate how they worked. “Here,” I said, handing him the cutters, “you ought to be able to handle this yourself.” I certainly hoped so because I wasn’t about to touch his dick or even get that close to him, not after the reaction he’d had to me in the plaza!
    He took the tool from me, but then just stood there, holding the chain and the cutters like he had no idea what to do with them.
    “Is there a problem?” I asked, thinking that perhaps he hadn’t been paying attention to my little demonstration.
    “I will not be able to hold the chain and cut the ring at the same time,” he replied.
“Well, just sit down and lay the chain across your legs and then cut the ring, dummy!” I said. “It shouldn’t be that hard to do!” He’d already claimed to be stupid; now he seemed to be proving it. Well, he only cost me five credits, I thought, and, after all, you get what you pay for…. Of course, I’d assumed that he would only be belligerent, not dumb as a box of rocks! Then it occurred

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