the bathroom incident.
    "Just let me take her, what's the worst thing that happens? I can wink up back here within seconds. She can't get away from me. I'm going home, honestly nothing happens in Port Mackenzie."
    Lydia laughed, "Yeah right, you became what you are just by freak accident."
    "I became this in the city."
    Lydia snorted, "Technicalities." She sighed, "Fine if you want to go with Aimee you can."
    Ari felt her cheeks blush knowing she'd been busted eavesdropping but she was grateful to be leaving the mansion.
    "Well guess you'll be needing a bag packed won't ya Miss Ari?"
    She turned and smiled at Annabelle, "Guess so." She paused for a moment, "Uh Annabelle where is Port Mackenzie?"
    Annabelle shrugged, "How should I know? Why I came here from Georgia with Miss Lydia. I don'ts know where nothing is here."
    Ari searched her database or new Ari knowledge but unfortunately she didn’t know where the town was either.
    Aimee rounded the corner beaming, "So I want to be going now."
    Ari smiled back, "Thanks Aimee."
    Aimee grinned, "Hey no worries. Lydia kept me here for five months when she found me. I couldn’t get these bad boys under control." She held her hands up, "Be downstairs in five k?"
    Ari nodded and turned and ran up the stairs. She tried to hide her excitement but she couldn’t. Trapped in the rainy winter in a mansion on a lake was about as depressing as a girl could get. New Ari argued that point but she ignored her, as usual. She had learned to control the feelings and emotions of new Ari, the scars still proved the pain was real but she chose not to acknowledge it.
    "Now Miss Ari remember a lady doesn’t cuss in front of people and she doesn’t wear her pants so tight that people can see her god given birthmarks on her behind." Annabelle ranted as she packed the bag.
    Ari smiled at her, "Annabelle, I don’t think either me or the other Ari has ever been a lady."
    Annabelle raised an eyebrow at her making Ari laugh, "Okay okay I wont wear my jeans crazy tight. No skinny jeans out of the house I promise."
    The trip to Port Mackenzie was not quite what Ari had thought it would be. She held hands with Aimee for half a second and then they were in another town.
    The 'ride' made her stomach queasy, which in turn made Aimee laugh.
    Ari looked around at the small town, they were standing on a dock in between a couple old looking boats. The rain drizzled on them making Ari frown.
    "Yeah it rains a lot here. Lets go to my dads place. I haven’t seen him in a long time." Aimee spoke softly.
    Ari tried not to mind the rain knowing it was at least away from the mansion.
    Aimee winked them to a patch of forest behind a huge fence.
    Aimee jumped the fence with ease leaving Ari behind it staring at it.
    Ari looked at her through a crack, "Dude I can't jump that, it's like six feet."
    Aimee laughed, "Don’t think just do it. Leave your bag there."
    Confused she dropped the backpack and put her hands on the fence. She struggled pulling herself up. Her arms shook but she made it to the top. She sat at the top looking down and shook her head, "No."
    "I will pull you down."
    She winced and jumped feeling the sting in her feet from landing wrong.
    She gave a dirty look at Aimee and walked toward the house.
    "Hey slow down. I don’t know where he is." Aimee slid along the shed in the back yard walking softly. Ari copied her confused.
    Aimee crept along to the back door and opened it with a key from under a fake rock. Ari didn’t know what was going on but she was scared, it felt illegal. New Ari tried to make fun of her but she shut her down. Ari had entertained thoughts of joining the military or police department before, well before her life turned upside down.
    Aimee slipped inside the house and looked around the cluttered basement. She stalked slowly up the stairs looking like a spy. They reached the top of the stairs but Aimee never moved she just watched carefully. The living room and kitchen were

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