empty. She snuck along the hallway stepping purposefully in certain spots. Ari copied her the entire way. Aimee walked into a room, a bedroom. It was half boxed up. Ari saw Aimee flinch looking at the boxes.
    "Is this your room?" She whispered.
    Aimee nodded looking sick.
    "Is your dad moving?"
    Aimee shook her head still not speaking.
    Ari looked around the room, awards and trophies lined a shelf above the bed. Science and literature books were everywhere. She started to see Aimee in a new light, a nerdy one. Aimee dropped to her knees and reached her hand under her bed.
    "You were a nerd?"
    Aimee smiled brightly at her grinning through some obvious pain, "Huge nerd, like World of Warcraft."
    Ari raised her eyebrows stunned, "Wow, never saw LARP as a possibility for you."
    Aimee scowled up at her, "I never did any LARP, dick." She continued to fish around under the bed.
    Ari watched as Aimee pulled a manila envelope out from under the bed. She clutched it to her heart.
    "Why didn’t we just blink in here for that? Why all the sneaking around?"
    Aimee pressed her lips together, "I can't just wink in here and scare the shit out of my dad. He's normal." She walked from the room clutching the envelope to her chest. She walked down the hall looking crushed. Ari felt so sad for Aimee even though she didn’t understand what was happening at all.
    She walked to a door. She turned the knob slowly to reveal a large bedroom. It was messy. There was a man sleeping on the bed. He held a book, an album it looked like. Ari watched from the doorway as Aimee's face crumpled. She wondered why Aimee wanted her to see this? It sickened her to see Aimee, strong and confident Aimee, in such pain.
    "I'm sorry daddy." She whispered. She looked back at Ari, "I need to go home."
    Ari frowned at the change in Aimee's face but dreaded going back to the mansion after such a short amount of time, "Can we just get a little air first? I feel sick."
    She backed from the room and touched Ari just as Ari spoke softly, "Who is the cop Annabelle told me you used to date? Is he from here?"
    Suddenly they were outside another house. It was much larger with a circle driveway. She could smell the sea in the air. Ari looked at the big blue truck in the driveway and frowned.
    Aimee scowled, "You can't talk while I wink, I go where I think."
    Aimee's face dropped as she turned smiling weakly.
    Ari looked at the super hot cop standing in the driveway behind the truck. Ari smiled weakly knowing she had just made Aimee wink them directly to the hot cop Annabelle had mentioned.
    He looked upset and confused, as would any person when two girls appear out of thin air.
    "Aimee what are you doing here? How did you do that?"
    She shrugged, "This is Ari, Ari this is Shane."
    Ari waved feeling weird. New Ari hated the police but old Ari had always gotten along well with the police, they had always been good customers and great tippers. She remembered with fondness one young new police officer in particular she had gone on a date with. She didn’t really date but she had done dinner with him once. He had been the reason she had considered it as a profession.
    "Hi," He waved slightly and walked toward Aimee, he kept a safe distance and never tried to touch her, "Aimee what's going on?"
    She shook her head, "I'm so sorry Shane, I just needed to see my dad and then we sort of accidentally ended up here."
    He put a hand up to touch her but Aimee stopped him by backing away.
    Ari watched the awkward moment, "Uhh I'm gonna walk down to the beach for a minute." She didn’t know what else to do. The whole thing was uncomfortable.
    "No, don’t leave my sight." She turned to Shane, "I'm sorry Shane. I wont come back here again."
    "STOP THIS AIMEE." He shouted grabbing her by the arm as she grabbed Ari.
    They winked.
    Ari looked at the yard sighing, the mansion. She had left her bag of clothes outside of Aimee's old yard.
    "Holy Shit Aims what the fuck was that?"
    Ari looked

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