at Shane and Aimee standing beside her.
    Ari looked over at the front door as Aleksander walked out of the house, Ari was pretty sure she heard a growl.
    She decided not to bring up the fact her bag had been left behind and started to walk inside.
    Annabelle appeared, "Miss Aimee, would your guest like a beverage?"
    Ari laughed and brushed past Aleksander. She caught a wiff of him as she past him. He smelled as good as he looked.

Chapter Seven- A Girls Gotta Do What a Girls Gotta Do
    She looked at Shane shaking as he watched Annabelle float in the air. She knew it was too much for him to handle.
    She looked up at Aleks and wanted to wink herself away and leave them there to bicker.
    Her heart sunk as she watched the pained expression cross Aleks' face, "I'll let you two have a minute."
    She could see he was seething as he had every right to be, she had no right to bring Shane there, it was Aleks's house too.
    Aimee nodded and took a step toward Shane, "I'm sorry."
    He shook his head, "I knew it was you. When I saw you in the alley that night, I knew it was you. What have you become Aimee? Are you dead?"
    It broke her heart to watch him suffer needlessly, "Not dead just something evil."
    He shook his head, "That man you killed, I ran his prints, it was just like you said. He was a pedophile. How did you know?"
    Aimee shook her head again, "I can't tell you Shane. I can just say that you're safer not in my world."
    He stepped closed gingerly taking her shaking hands, "I'm not scared of you anymore."
    She smiled grimly, "You should be. What I did to that man, I could do it to you."
    He laughed leaning in to kiss her, "But you wont, I trust you."
    His lips brushed hers, it had been so long she nearly forgot how to kiss. His tongue slipped into her lips stroking hers. He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her into him.
    She forgot who she was, she forgot where she was. It was like twelfth grade again, he made her dizzy.
    "I love you Aimee James." He whispered kissing her neck softly.
    She felt the heat coming and pushed herself away from him, "I can't lose my control Shane, I have to keep calm. I will kill you."
    He smiled, "I would die for you."
    "Live for me instead." She winked herself away.
    She couldn’t believe she left him in the driveway of the mansion not only full of monsters but also three hours away from home. She sat in her thinking tree and cried.
    "Don't cry my love." Annabelle was there stroking her head suddenly.
    Aimee let the ghost hold her, the best she could anyway. She didn’t know what to do about Shane, she didn’t know how to fix things with him. She wondered about Ari's abilities.
    She looked up at Annabelle, "Is Ari in the house?"
    She nodded and Aimee winked herself into the kitchen.
    She smiled at Ari, "I need your help."
    Ari frowned at her over her glass of water, "Super sorry about that whole five minutes there. Am I guessing right that you and Aleks had something while you and the cop were dating?"
    "Yes but that's not what I want to talk about. I need you to try to send me back to the cross roads."
    Ari frowned putting the glass down, "Huh? It doesn’t work on you."
    Aimee laughed, "You’ve never tried."
    Ari looked at Lydia who walked into the kitchen scowling, "Why is there a police officer in my driveway pacing?"
    Aimee covered her eyes, "I've screwed up so bad. I need to try to fix this."
    "She wants me to send her back to the crossroads."
    Lydia looked horrified, "You want to be sent back?"
    Aimee gulped, "Yup. If it'll work I do."
    Lydia shook her head, "So far on everyone we've tried it hasn’t worked. She can't send Fae or anyone whose soul is gone like Aleks or vampires like Andy. We don’t know anything Aimee, yours could be gone enough Aimee."
    Aimee nodded, "I'm willing to try."
    "I wouldn’t, it stings Aims." Lucas spoke softly walking past them to the fridge and grabbing a huge container of yogurt. He took the lid off and ate from it, even though it was family

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