Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3)

Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3) by Laura R Cole Page A

Book: Leoht (BloodRunes: Book 3) by Laura R Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura R Cole
Tags: Fantasy, Magic, dragon, Runes, mage, spells, sword
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the Order had and kept hidden by
dispersing among its members. Or perhaps, seeing as how she didn’t
see where the book she had gotten excerpts from was located, it was
only a small portion.
    Her excitement grew. If these twenty books
only contained a portion of what was available, judging by the
amount that she’d gotten from a few copied sections…there was no
way that the two renegades or the King could escape her wrath.
Seeing as how they were already here, Jezebel had decided that they
should take a tour around the lovely Treymayne countryside and pick
up a few souvenirs. The nearest one seemed to be about a day’s ride
away and Devon was out getting them horses at this very moment. She
smiled to herself.
    When they arrived at the location indicated
by her map, Jezebel dismounted and looked around. There seemed to
be nothing and she furrowed her brow in confusion. “Where…” she bit
her lower lip and paced around in a circle. “Devon, why don’t you
go see if you can ask someone where we are exactly.”
    “We’re in a field in the middle of nowhere,
who am I going to ask?”
    She scowled at him, “Just go look,” she
ordered. He shrugged and rode on ahead. As soon as he was
sufficiently out of range, Jezebel created fire on her palm and
laid the disc into it.
    The map blazed to life and she enlarged the
image of the book they were supposed to be right on top of. She
looked around and tried to find a landmark to compare to the map.
Not an easy thing to do in the middle of a field. She found a large
tree on the opposite side which stuck up above the rest of the
trees and tried to find its counterpart on the map. When she did
so, she adjusted her vision to look towards where the area was
illuminated on the map and saw that Devon was riding straight
towards it.
    “Excellent,” she muttered to herself,
extinguishing the flames. The map disappeared just in time for her
to see Devon’s horse lose its balance, tumbling to the ground and
rolling over Devon. She urged her own horse into a gallop and raced
towards him. When she got close enough, she dismounted and hurried
over to him, annoyed at the feelings of worry that overcame her. It would simply be a harder mission to accomplish without him,
that’s all. “Are you alright?” she asked, careful to keep a
neutral tone lest she betray the real concern she was trying
desperately to swallow whole.
    He groaned and pushed himself to his feet,
making his way over to his horse which had already righted itself
and was favoring its front left leg. “I’m alright, seems that he
twisted an ankle on a hole in the ground.”
    Jezebel’s concern was replaced with
excitement. “A hole?” she asked, immediately turning to the ground.
She walked carefully around in the grid pattern until she found the
area where the horse had likely stepped into. There was a patch of
earth which was slowly crumbling away, leaving large indents in the
otherwise flat field. She leaned down and brushed away the dirt
over one of the holes. Underneath were the remains of a human-made
structure. She cleared away the dirt excitedly until she suddenly
had a sharp pain in her finger and she looked down in horror to
realize that one of her nails had been bent backwards and had
broken off.
    She shrieked in outrage and stepped back away
from the hole she had been digging - with her bare hands! - and looked down at the dirt caking her hands and forearms. She held
her hands out in front of her and called to Devon.
    “Yes?” he asked from over her shoulder. She
had forgotten he was right there.
    “Get this filth off of me at once!” she
demanded, holding the offending appendages out to him.
    “And how do you propose that I do that?” he
asked with an insubordinate twinge of sarcasm.
    She screamed and stamped her foot. She had
been so excited to have found the ruins that she’d actually put her
hands in dirt! She turned around and wiped them off on the front of
Devon’s shirt. Served him right

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