the attention that EPE gives them, but I don’t, okay?” She reaches
behind her and takes off her bra so I’m staring at her naked
    My mouth goes dry. I swallow. “There’s
this cool coffee shop an hour outside town in an old strip mall.
There’s no chance of anyone recognizing you there.”
    She slips an oversized t-shirt over
her head and glances back at me. “And why the hell would I want to
do that?”
    I smirk. “Because I know what
Professor Gates is planning to cover on the midterm.”

Chapter Five
    How did I get suckered into this
again? Oh yeah—Dallas bribed me.
    I watch him as he orders our drinks.
His shirt is buttoned all the way up and tucked into his slacks. He
smiles politely at the barista—even jokes with her. On the outside,
he’s like one of those adorable nerds that all the good, smart,
virginal girls go for and all the skankier ones want to
    But I know what he’s really like. I
know so much more.
    Actually, the only thing I really
don’t know is why the hell he wants to hang out with me so bad,
like we’re buddies or something. Like he has a crush on
    But he can’t have a crush on me,
because he has a girlfriend.
    Unless he’s one of those assholes who
cheats on his girlfriends. But I don’t know. That just doesn’t seem
like what I know of him.
    “ One soy latte,” he says
when he returns to our table, setting the drink in front of
    “ Thanks.” I take a sip of
it. Perfection.
    He sits across from me, the only thing
separating us our binders and mountains of textbooks. “So, you a
vegan or something?”
    “ Or something,” I say,
taking another sip. “Why do you ask?”
    “ You ordered a soy
    “ I could be lactose
    “ I always see you drinking
those weird green shake things.”
    I raise an eyebrow. “Yes, okay, I’m
vegan. Does that weird you out?”
    His lips shift to a coy smile. “A
little.” He sips his drink. “As long as you don’t choke me out for
drinking dairy in front of you.”
    I shake my head. “I’m not that kind of
vegan. You know, the crazy PETA kind. I’m vegan because I have to
    “ You have to?”
    I gesture toward my body. “You think
this comes from eating pizza and burgers every day?”
    “ So, health
    “ More like model reasons,”
I correct.
    I’d love to say that I’m one of those
girls who doesn’t give two shits about society’s warped idea of
beauty. Unfortunately, my job is to be naked all of the time. I get
paid for giving into media’s trend. For looking “hot.”
    “ You must cheat though,”
Dallas says, folding his hands in front of him like he’s going to
spend the next few hours hounding me about my eating
    “ Of course I cheat.” I
open up my textbook. “What kind of human being would I be if I
didn’t cheat?”
    He just nods and opens up his own
textbook, and we both start to read. About a minute later, he
speaks up again. “What is your favorite cheat food?”
    I glance up from my book and meet his
striking eyes. He actually looks interested in my answer. I sigh
and put down my pencil. “You really want to know?”
    “ Why else would I be
    “ Half-baked chocolate chip
cookie dough ice cream, a side of Flaming Hot Cheetos, and a nice
IPA to wash it all down, preferably on the nuttier
    He blinks once and bursts into
    “ What ?”
    “ You’ve obviously thought
about this for a long time.”
    “ Well yeah, when you’re
eating rabbit food you fantasize about the stuff you could be
eating a lot. Now wipe that dumb grin off of your face and get to
    The fact that he listens to me is kind
of thrilling. I like how I still have some kind of power over the
guy who corners me in the dressing room like he wants to own
    It’s kind of like a game. A way to
make shooting naked together a little more sexy and less awkward.
And I’m all for that, as long as my grades don’t drop.
    And the

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