in my every movement, my every word. “But I don’t need some
billionaire with a six-pack to tell me that. I can decide for
myself if I like to be spanked or not.”
    “ And your decision
    “ Yeah, sometimes it’s hot.
    “ But you’re obviously not
the same kind of creature as the majority of these protagonists,”
he says amusedly, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms.
“And if we’re to visually recreate their deepest, darkest desires,
then what do you suppose we do?” He looks down at his cup, tracing
the coffee-stained lid with the tip of his fingers.
    I cross my legs to keep the pressure
from building and work to keep my breath as even as possible. “I
guess you’re going to have to dominate me.”
    His eyes shoot to mine
again, wicked and playful and startling blue. Delicious pleasure
shoots through my loins and I swear I’m closer to orgasm than I’ve
ever been during sex. Just from Dallas looking at me.
    “ I guess I’m going to have
to dominate you,” he responds.

    “ I’ve been emailing your
photographer,” Tricia says.
    We’re both lying in bed naked. It’s
been over a week since I’ve had sex with Tricia, and I thought
that’d mean that when we finally had the chance to sleep together,
it would be like fireworks. Like it used to be.
    I was wrong.
    She seemed distracted the whole time,
even when I went down on her. And after an hour of trying to get
her off, I gave up.
    I hate giving up on getting a girl
off. And it’s not even a pride thing. Watching a girl come is one
of the most beautiful things in the world—like an addiction—and I
haven’t had my fix in a long time.
    I wrap my arms around Tricia, and she
relaxes into me. “What about?” I’m wondering if her suggestion of
wanting me to act single was just a test, and now she’s trying to
use Britain to spy on me.
    Britain saw me cornering Evan the
other day, my face in her hair. What if she told Tricia? My stomach
    “ How much you’ll make from
your audition shoot.”
    I relax, but only a little. “You’re
worried about money?” Not about my fidelity. But about
    She rolls over so she’s facing me. “I
just know how hard you’re working in school, and I didn’t want you
to be under any more strain if you didn’t have to be.”
    “ I’m fine,” I tell her.
“It’s not really work. E—Rylan really knows what she’s doing and I
kind of just follow her lead.”
    Tricia giggles. “That’s right. Britain
told me you got paired with the faux innocent one. The virgin
    I push away from her. “Why would you
call her that?”
    “ Because that’s what she
    “ That’s what her character
is,” I correct. “That’s not who she really is.”
    She pushes against my chest. “Come on,
she has to be a bit skanky to pose for that magazine.”
    I can’t believe what she’s
actually suggesting. “Trish, I pose for that magazine.”
    “ Yeah, but that’s
    “ Because I’m a
    “ Because… Fuck, Dallas, I
don’t know. Because it just is.”
    It’s useless to get into an argument
right now. I’m tired and irritated and have the worst case of blue
balls. I can’t be in this condition if I’m going to be shooting
with Evan today. I say nothing, kissing Tricia on the cheek and
rolling out of bed.
    If I don’t get myself off in the
shower, I’m going to accidentally come during our shoot today—if
it’s anything like our shoot last week.
    The studio is as busy as it was on
Wednesday, except a different kind of busy. As I walk in, several
women sitting on the couches go quiet, all looking up at me.
Instead of lingerie, they’re all dressed in jeans and t-shirts.
Britain is among them. Papers scatter the coffee table.
“Dallas,” Britain says. “Glad you’re here.” She gestures to a woman
with dark skin and curly hair sitting next to her. “This is Andrea,
one of our writers for this

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