AB (The Blake Reynolds Chronicles Book 1)

AB (The Blake Reynolds Chronicles Book 1) by Bret Dee Landon

Book: AB (The Blake Reynolds Chronicles Book 1) by Bret Dee Landon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bret Dee Landon
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they turned it off.
    Teresa turned
to Luke. “What should we do?”
    “I’m not sure,
but I know that whatever happens our faith will get us through. Let us go to
the chapel to pray.”
    He put on his
best white suit, and they both walked into the attached chapel.
    After a few
minutes, they decided to open the door in case anyone else felt the need to
pray with them. They opened the doors and went to the front of the bench, sat
down, grabbed each other’s hands, and started to pray. It wasn’t long before a
few of their parishioners began to come through the doors. Each one was greeted
with a warm hug and a soft, “Bless you.” Within an hour, the chapel was full of
members and people who had never been in the church before. Each of them was coming
for the same reasons, which were comfort, faith, fear, and not wanting to be
    Soon after the
chapel filled, Luke felt the need to get up and address the congregation. He turned
to his wife and grabbed her hand. “What should I say at a time like this?”
    “Just speak
from your heart! You are a righteous man. God will tell you what to say,” she
said with a soft smile. She squeezed his hand and kissed him on the cheek. As he
looked into her eyes, he smiled and walked to the pulpit.
    He stood up
front, took a long breath, and examined the faces staring back at him. It was
eerily quiet, except for a few women and children softly sobbing.
    “Brothers and sisters,
I don’t know why God has sent this plague on the Earth. I don’t know what lies
ahead of us in the next few days, but I do know that God loves each and every
one of you! If we just have faith, he will pass this plague by us, just as he
did in days of old when the plague passed the children of Israel in the times
of Moses. They that believed marked their doors with lamb’s blood, and the
plague did not enter their house.”
    He paused for a
moment to catch his breath and scanned the group. His heart was full of compassion
for them. “Now, some of you might not have the faith to survive what lies
before us. But even you can take comfort. I am reminded of the words of the
    I am the resurrection, and I am life.
Those who believe in me, even though they die, yet they shall live,
and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end
the first and the last.
I died and behold I am alive for evermore,
and I hold the keys of hell and death
because I live, you shall live also.”

    Pastor Dameon began to feel a little dizzy and he held
the podium for balance. “I can’t stop now. These people need me!” he thought. He
bowed his head and said, “ Let us pray .
    “O God, who created us and gave us birth, we beseech
you to hear our prayers. In this, our time of trial and need, we pray that you
will protect us from this evil that is spreading across our planet. We know
that you are all powerful, and we acknowledge your hand is in all things. We
also know we are weak, and pray that we might not waver in our faith, but
humbly submit to thy will. Amen.”
    When he finished his prayer, he collapsed on the ground.

    Luke’s eyes fluttered open. He noticed that he was in his
bed surrounded by his wife and a few men and women from the congregation. He
thanked them as they left the room. His wife put a cold rag on his forehead.
    He smiled at her and put his hand on her cheek. “My head
feels as if it is about to explode. Also, my body feels like it is on fire.” His
voice was strained.
    Teresa looked at him with sad eyes and tear-stained
cheeks. “You have a fever of 104… We tried calling 911, but the phone system is
down. A nurse in the group said that we should give you some ibuprofen. We did,
and it seems to have worked a little. Try and get some rest.”
    As Luke closed his eyes and drifted off into
unconsciousness he could hear in the background people speaking.
    “I have heard that after the fever sets in, it’s only
hours before they

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