guys to contact Brooklyn. I highly doubt they’ll be back since she clearly doesn’t have whatever they’re after.” “If you had any real investigative skills, you’d already have them incarcerated. Either you get your thumb out of your ass and solve this case and Garret’s murder or I’m going to do it for you. And I can promise if I get involved, it’s going to get messy,” Gage threatened as he got in the sheriff’s face. “I’m warning you. If you get in my way I’ll haul your ass to jail. You’re not going to turn my town into a war zone,” Sam shouted as he pointed his finger in Gage’s face. **** It was five o’clock before Gage pulled up in front of the house. Brooklyn had been transported to the nearest hospital two towns west. Once the nurses cleaned the blood and assessed the gash, it was determined the wound needed stitching. The resident on duty closed the cut with twenty seven stitches and prescribed pain medication. Marie and Daniel had taken the girls to their house where they would stay until it was safe for them to return home. Gage followed the ambulance to the hospital and stayed with Brooklyn the entire time. On their way back home, he’d pulled through a drive thru so Brook could eat something before taking her meds. Gage refused to allow her to walk. He opened the passenger door and scooped her up. Once inside, he placed a pain pill in her hand and ensured she swallowed it. Next he disappeared into the master bedroom only to return carrying a lightweight gown. Due to the soreness, she wasn’t able to remove the hospital issued top on her own and without hesitation, Gage removed her clothes and pulled the gown over her head. Ever so gently, he clasped her hand and led her to the kitchen. It was time to get some answers. As soon as she sat down, he began the interrogation. “I want the absolute truth to every question I ask. Do you understand?” He forcefully ordered. Gage hated to do it this way given she was already nodding off due to the effects of the pain medication, but he had to get some answers. “Yes,” she answered softly. “Do you have any idea what they’re looking for?” “No. If I did, I’d give it to them. Surely you don’t think I’d put my family in danger if I knew what they wanted,” she stated as she searched his eyes. Without giving any indication he did or didn’t believe her, he continued with his questions. “Do you know who or what Garret was involved in?” “Absolutely not. That part of his life was completely separate from our home life.” She lowered her eyes as she made the statement. “Do you know what drug he was abusing?” “This time it was meth.” “How long had he been using?” Gage asked in bewilderment. “The first time was two years ago. He went into treatment and stayed clean for a while. I began suspecting he was using illegal drugs again right after we found out I was pregnant with Sadie. Of course he emphatically denied it. At the end of the first trimester, Ollie caught him smoking out of some sort of glass pipe in the house. That’s when everything came to…I…I…I.” Gage watched her fidget as she wrestled with the memory. “Tell me what happened?” When she didn’t continue quickly enough for Gage, he became more forceful. “What did you do? What happened to drive Garret to drugs? It had to be bad if he willingly left his family or did you make the decision for him? Did you force him to leave his family? Were you so heartless you’d punish him by taking his family away? Tell me what you did, Brook?” He shouted as he threateningly leaned toward her. “You’ll never understand. You’ll never believe me or forgive me so what’s the point in wasting my breath?” “What did you do to my brother? What did he do to you? I want the truth!” Gage’s voice boomed throughout the house. “I did what I