Addictive Nightshade

Addictive Nightshade by Poppet

Book: Addictive Nightshade by Poppet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Poppet
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the amusement of fairies? But we are not glowing faeries, we are the biggest men on this planet with knowledge and power the puny humans couldn't possibly wield or comprehend. When I say you are shining it's because in your eyes it is waiting to birth, all it requires is happiness in your heart.”
    I don't know what to say. Have I truly never ever been happy? Then how will I know it when I am?
    He reaches out to hold my hand in his, “My eye shines for you. I will guide you until you find your way. Now drink your  læraðr juice. It heals in more ways than one. We drink it for mental courage while it keeps our bodies forever young. It's the libation of eternal life. With that in your body you'll quickly forget your woes and remember how powerful you truly are, like when you were a child who knew that anything was possible and the world was a pearl of possibilities waiting for you to string onto your necklace and own. This world is ours, Emma.”
    I leave my hand in his because it's doing crazy good things to my mood, picking up my drink with motivation and having a decent swig.
    “It really is magic?” I smile, putting my glass back on the table.
    “ It is arcana, I mentioned that previously. Arcana, by definition, is a secret and powerful remedy. It's a great rune of nature, our secret.”
    “ And what is a rune exactly? I thought is was just a bunch of wooden discs with carvings on them,” I pry.
    “ A rune is a secret . We are the masters of runes, we keep many of them well hidden and safe. Ourselves included.”
    “ But you invented them right?”
    He blinks as if pondering how to explain it to me, the scope clearly overwhelming as he simplifies it for me. “Emma, in a nutshell everyone wants to talk to god. In archaic eras the gods found a way to guide a shaman by imparting meaning to oracles, little fragments of bone carved with sigils and symbols. The spirit guides the hand, fate is a close dancer who likes to hold tight while she does the tango, so every reading is more or less accurate. For some folk the runes became the oracle, for others it became cards, the druids used lots and runes, and even the god of Israel gave his followers divination tools. He gave them dice and gems, known as the Urim and Thummim. But divination was once an accepted way to get guidance after the gods left the material plane to coexist in a spiritual state of longevity. Matter resists longevity, it goes against the cycles and balance of the planet and dimension.”
    “You didn't answer my question,” I smile slyly.
    He's a wily one.
    “Odin is credited with creating runes, yes,” he nods. “It's written in the Hávamál where Odin said, I can so carve and color the runes, that the man walks and talks with me . But still you must remember it is a means to gain insight, it's a way to access the gods whispers. We don't need it because we have the Odin eye and the Book of Shadows.”
    It suddenly occurs to me that the games we play without thought once had occult significance. Gambling with dice, playing cards, even checkers could have been started as a form of 'throwing bones'. It's pretty heavy that we've trivialized occult guidance. Maybe we need it on a subconscious level and reenact ritual because our souls remember it in our cellular memory banks?
    He's smiling at me again, watching my mind tick over. His right eye is so gorgeous. It's the perfect shade of mallard green. I wish both his eyes were identical so I could lose myself in their tranquility.
    His expression is serious when he faces me with his full attention, “Be careful how you treat your heart, Em. It's the only one you've got. If you want it to beat in ecstasy instead of fear then you have to give it a chance to heal, by feeding it love.”
    “ Yeah well, great words never helped anyone when they don't know how to implement the wisdom,” I bite back, withdrawing my hand from his.
    “ Make your heart a better place. It's simple. The change starts with you

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