Adrianna's Undies
to take home with him tonight. Not just her delectably bare pussy, but a woman who was that wild, that hedonistic. Maybe it was an odd way to feel since she hadn’t technically chosen to be that hedonistic—but he’d known how aroused she was, how it had thrilled her to show them. It had practically seeped from her pores out into the air around them.
    Now, as the limo departed the Luxor, it was all he could do to keep his hands off her. That body just begged to be touched. And there was more to it than simple lust. It was about the past too. Where did we go wrong, Adrianna? How did we get here —together yet still so far apart?
    But he couldn’t start going soft on her—his job tonight was to tame her, or at least try. He’d actually wondered if someone as strong-willed as Adrianna could be tamed, but after her response to his commands in the restaurant, he was beginning to feel confident.
    “Did you like showing those men your cunt?” he asked.
    He expected her to reply with the same lush, raspy Yes she’d given him in response to other recent questions. So it surprised the hell out of him to find her looking bored and aloof next to him. “It was fine.”
    His chest tightened and, without planning it, his next questions came out a bit sharper. “Did you like pleasing me? Did you like doing what I wanted you to do?” Don’t piss me off here, Adrianna.
    But she continued to appear just as taciturn. “Like I said, it was fine.”
    All of Tristan’s contentment with her flew out the window and he heard himself making tsk ing noises. “And here you were being such a good little girl in the restaurant.”
    She looked up, met his gaze too boldly. “Are you implying I’m being bad now?”
    “Your attitude was much more…enthusiastically obedient before. As it should be.”
    She crossed her arms, looking belligerent. “I told you, I’m doing the best I can.”
    “Except now I know that your best is better than I’m getting at the moment. So you need to do better, Adrianna—understand?”
    “Maybe my best fluctuates from minute to minute.”
    “Maybe my patience fluctuates just as much. Are you forgetting what’s at stake here?”
    Her expression changed then—clearly she had forgotten and now had just remembered.
    She lowered her eyes. And his cock got a little harder.
    Next to him, she bit her lip uncertainly, then without meeting his gaze said softly, “Can I ask you a question?”
    “All right.”
    “Where are we going now?”
    She must have noticed that they’d turned in a direction that led away from the Bellagio, not toward it. “You’ll see,” he told her.
    And he could almost feel her distress, how she wanted to protest, to demand to know the answer to a simple question—but she held it inside. Smartly. Because Tristan had long since forgotten those soft, brief feelings about their past together—all he could think about now was disciplining her.
    And after this disappointing change in attitude between the restaurant and the car—well, he had been planning some playful, rewarding treats for little miss Adrianna at their next stop, but now, now she would have to be punished.
    * * * * *
    Inside, she seethed with anger. Mostly at herself, for falling prey to her lust, for taking real pleasure in anything he asked of her. But, then, the entire situation renewed her anger at him too. How dare he use her sexually to save her company? It was archaic. Had he turned into a caveman?
    Of course, she’d agreed to it. It had seemed so much simpler than wading through legal mire and possibly coming out on the losing end anyway. She supposed that, deep down, she’d thought this would be easier. She’d never dreamed she could honestly be turned-on by submitting to a man’s will.
    So she stayed quiet as the limo traveled the outskirts of Las Vegas—but where the hell was he taking her? What did he have planned?
    A memory popped to mind. Fucking Tristan in the desert. They’d been driving along,

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