Adventurers Wanted 2) The Horn of Moran
patted his son on the shoulder and then turned to face his guests.
    “Perhaps, when my son can break free, he will introduce us all.”
    “There is little need for formal introductions among friends,” said Bregnest, stepping forward.
    “No, I suppose not,” Andy’s father agreed. “I am Argus Goodseed, and I welcome you all to my house.”
    “I am Silvan Bregnest. Your kindness overwhelms us, Master Goodseed.”
    “Well said, Master Bregnest,” Argus replied. “Please, let us do away with all formality if you will. I am simply Argus, and that should be enough between friends.”
    Bregnest laughed softly and nodded his agreement. He turned to the company and introduced each of them to Argus. As each man was named, he stepped forward and bowed slightly to Andy’s father.
    “Alexander Taylor,” said Argus, when Alex was introduced. “Andy has told us a great deal about you. And Michael has been dying to meet you.”
    “I’m afraid that Andy has said too much,” Alex replied. “I hope I can live up to whatever he has told you.”
    “I’m sure you will,” said Argus. “And I doubt that Andy has said as much as you fear. He’s been very secretive about some of the things that happened on your last adventure together.
    “Now, my friends, let me introduce my wife, Azure,” Argus went on. “And it seems that you have already made the acquaintance of my youngest son, Michael.”
    “We have indeed made young Michael’s acquaintance,” said Bregnest. “And I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say it is a great pleasure to meet Mistress Goodseed.”
    The six companions all bowed to Andy’s mother, who blushed slightly. Michael, however, suddenly became shy and looked down at his shoes.
    “I regret that my eldest son, Lazarus, is not here to greet you,” said Argus, in a slightly harder tone. “He’s off wandering the city with his friends, but he will be here this evening to offer you a proper welcome.”
    “I should think that it would be hard to keep him at home, with such a wonderful city to explore,” said Bregnest.
    “Oslansk is indeed wonderful,” Argus agreed. “I suppose we should come here more often, but our lands are several days’ ride to the west and north.”
    Argus continued talking as he led them into the house. Rooms had been prepared for each of them, away from the busy and noisy parts of the estate. Once Alex and the others had been shown to their rooms, Mrs. Goodseed excused herself, but Michael remained next to Andy.
    “May I offer you some refreshment?” Argus asked. “We can have a bite and a drink or two, and perhaps swap tales of adventures past.”
    “A pleasing idea,” said Bregnest. “Though I think a few of my company would like nothing better than to go looking for their friends Skeld and Tayo.”
    “Ah, yes,” said Argus with a nod. “Andy, you know where those two troublemakers are. Take your friends and show them the way.”
    “Can I go too?” Michael asked in a pleading tone.
    “Not right now, Michael,” Argus answered in a kind but firm tone. “Perhaps tomorrow they will take you with them, but not right now.”
    Alex and Halfdan both bowed to Argus as they prepared to follow Andy into the city. Alex made a point of asking both Sindar and Val if they would like to come along, but they both said they would rather stay behind and share stories with Bregnest and Argus.
    Andy led Alex and Halfdan back into the streets of Oslansk, almost bouncing as he walked. The city was large, but he seemed to know exactly where he was going, and he led his friends quickly through the narrow, busy streets.
    “Well, if it isn’t Anders Goodseed,” commented an unpleasant-sounding voice as Andy, Alex, and Halfdan walked into a large square. All three of them turned to see who had spoken.
    Standing in front of a booth that sold sandwiches was an extremely fat and

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