Aelred's Sin

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Authors: Lawrence Scott
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enterprise, but maybe I should really say, God’s enterprise for him. I know that that is what he wants to do, the will of God for him. This we pray for each day. He is our eldest boy. We feel honoured and chosen for this great gift ourBlessed Lord has bestowed on our son, to give him a vocation to leave all, father and mother, brother and sisters, home and country even (though of course we are only a colony, sadly to be given so called independence soon), and follow him. To tell you the truth, father, I am quite overcome at the thought of my boy, not quite my Benjamin, my Joseph, let us say, doing this, but of course I am absolutely prepared to support him in his ideals and to give him up as it were to our Blessed Lord, as Abraham was called upon to sacrifice Isaac. But as I said before, my husband and I are secure, after getting your letter that Jean Marc will be well advised. And I am sure if the day comes that he leaves us and finds a home in your community, he will be well looked after by wonderful older men like yourself.
    His father, not a man to show his feelings much, is proud of his son and said to me this morning, and I quote, ‘My dear, if that English monk says that Jean Marc will make a good monk you can rest assured that he will, and with good discipline.’ My husband sees things so clearly.
    Jean Marc is a good boy, father. Yes, he is devout, but you know, father - and I feel I must be open with you, because I know that you will understand and will know how to help Jean Marc - he’s still very young. He is quite emotional, and quite headstrong too. I think these qualities can be good if well directed, but can cause problems. I would never detract from my son’s character, but I feel I am talking to you, father, who will be his novice master and spiritual director, and who will have the care ofhis soul. I feel as if in giving him into your capable hands I am giving him into the hands of God. I know that you will understand me, father, when I write like this. I speak as his mother.
    My husband asks to be remembered to you and Father Abbot.
    So, father, in God’s time, if it his will, Jean Marc will be a son in your home as he has been here in our home.
    I remain,
    Yours sincerely and most gratefully,
    Chantal de la Borde
    St Maur’s Abbey
    St Pierre
    Les Deux Isles
    British West Indies
    30 June 1962
    Dear Father Justin,
    Thank you for your letter concerning Jean Marc de la Borde.
    I have known Jean Marc since he was a young boy of twelve and first came to our college. I have been his English teacher since then and his spiritual director.
    I am fully convinced of the sincerity of Jean Marc’s vocation. My only regret is that he has not chosen to enter our abbey here, but I respect his desire for a more primitive interpretation of the Rule of our Holy Father St Benedict.
    Jean Marc is young. While I think he can make this decision, and it is a big one, to leave his country and a very close family, he will need a lot of kindness and support. He is an emotional boy, pious, sometimes vaulting too high the hurdles on the course of the spiritual race. While his enthusiasm must not be dampened, he will need guidance to avoid consuming himself. He is fired by the lives of the saints, but can sometimes misinterpret the symbolic significance of these examples of spiritual attainment.
    Jean Marc will adapt well to community life and values, and to the support a brotherhood like ours can give. He values friendship and has a generous heart, but should be advised very closely in this. There is a tendency to let his emotions get the better of him.
    I fully support his application into your community. If I can be of any other assistance please do not hesitate to write to me.
    In the fellowship of Our Holy Father St Benedict, I remain,
    Yours sincerely,
    Dom Placid Marcus, OSB
    This was the official life. Of course, I’d never seen any of the letters; only that time, looking over his

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