After The One (The One Series Duet)
“Did you just say Bryce was having dinner with Leah?”
    Leah Trotter had been on Julian’s session of The One and she was a manipulative bitch.
    I always tried my hardest not to refer to any woman as a bitch, but Leah was a bitch. There was just no way around that accurate of a description.
    She wasn’t a bitch because Julian kissed her for the sake of the show. She wasn’t even a bitch because she lied and manipulated her way through the show. And although those things contributed to why I didn’t like her, Leah’s bitch status was earned due to the way she lied about me on live TV when she went on talk shows.
    It only took a few rounds on the night show circuit for the viewing public to catch her in her lies and recognize that she was a jealous and petty bitch. In almost two years, I’d let go of everything that had taken place on the show. But Leah took things too far after Julian chose me. She tried to ruin my career, my relationship, and my reputation. The show was over and done with and the fact that she still felt the need to attack me solidified my unrelenting disdain for her.
    “He was at dinner with her?” I repeated, my voice rising in confused horror.
    “Yes! On a date,” Koko growled. “So I told him it was over.”
    I stood up in a daze and started pacing the room. “And it was just the two of them? Having dinner?”
    “Yes! I walked into the restaurant and saw them together. And even if I didn’t see it myself, the pictures that were all over the gossip magazines and the show’s website would’ve given them away.”
    “What the hell? Why would he…” I exhaled sharply, trying to calm myself down. “This makes no sense. I never got the impression he liked Leah as a human being let alone developed an actual interest in her. There has to be another explanation. Even Bryce isn’t dumb enough to fall for Leah’s bullshit. When did this happen?”
    “Friday night.”
    I heard her slamming things down in the background. “I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you call me?” I wrapped my free arm around my waist as I slowed to a stop.
    “Because I’m fine and I knew this was your weekend fuck fest with Julian.”
    The gasping screeches of Koko’s laughter echoed through the phone and without fail, I joined in.
    “Fuck fest? Really?” I giggled, collapsing on the couch again. When the humor passed, I paused. “Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do?”
    “Yes, you can tell me how you’re doing. I got your text message about you winning the case and I’m so proud of you!”
    I smiled. “Thank you, but I’m worried about you. Have you talked to him?”
    “Don’t be. I’m fine. I’ve managed to avoid him or be around other people when he comes looking for me on set so I’m not forced to talk to the jackass.”
    “You should talk to him. At least let him explain why he was having dinner with her. Even if you decide you’re done with him, you should at least hear him out.”
    Koko was quiet for a minute and then she let out a frustrated wail. “I’ll think about it. I hate that you’re the voice of reason.”
    “No, you don’t.”
    She cackled on the other end of the line, causing me to grin. “Anyway, what’s going on with you? How’s Julian?”
    I looked down at the diamond on my ring finger and my stomach flipped. “I have to tell you something, but you have to swear you aren’t going to say anything. We’re not telling anyone else until Christmas.”
    “Oh shit! You’re pregnant?”
    My mouth fell open. “How did you guess?”
    “You are my best friend, we tell each other everything, and you’re swearing me to secrecy. What else could it be? That you tried anal?”
    My head fell back and I laughed loudly. “I can’t deal with you right now.” I gasped between bouts of laughter. “Oh my God, you are ridiculous!”
    Once we both pulled ourselves together, I told her everything that happened during the appointment with Dr. Nelson.
    “You sound so happy and

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