Against The Odds

Against The Odds by Senna Fisher Page B

Book: Against The Odds by Senna Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Senna Fisher
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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back of his
head and if someone had touched Rebecca, even casually, he would
have torn his throat out with his bare hands. It was George’s eyes
that had jolted him out of the mood. They were the same black,
sparkling eyes he loved so much. George had sighed and it had
calmed him.
had also realized something. He loved her. He had watched her
teasing Jonathan and making her father laugh and he loved her, the
way her eyes danced and the way she tried to warm everyone’s life.
The realisation had calmed and frightened him. He was in love with
a woman he had not even touched. Now that was a first for him. He
did not know what he would do.
smiled as she went to bed. Clayton was so cute and caring. He had
charmed her parents and they had liked him. She also felt calm
tonight. The Darkness had not come. It was the first time a man was
in her house and it had not come. Perhaps it feared her father and
mother together. It was so good to sleep without the hissing sound
threatening her, reminding her.
    On the
way home, Jonathan and Jackie were silent for a long
    “ So, that was very pleasant, dear.”
    Jonathan laughed. She was playing with him. She wanted him
to admit he was wrong and she was right. We shall see about
    “ Yes, Rebecca’s parents are delightful. She is very lucky to
have them. And Clayton, he behaved.”
    “ What? You bastard. Don’t even try that one on me.”
    “ What, honey?”
    “Oh, you are hopeless. Next you are going to tell me you
did not see your friend behaving like a lion. Don’t you
    “ But I did not say that. You must admit that despite the
animal thing, he behaved pretty well. No accusations, no talking
glared at him coldly.
he did look a bit strange when he first arrived. I don’t know what
that was about. Also, I admit fully that I saw the parents
‘talking’ and it was interesting to watch. Other than that, it was
pretty normal.”
    “ Are you not concerned about all this?”
course I am. It is not every day that one of my colleagues and
friends becomes a lion and then a man in the space of 60 seconds. I
don’t expect that at a dinner party, only in a sci-fi movie. I just
don’t know what it means. Something is wrong with him. Brad Adcock
phoned me today to ask if Clay is okay. He says Clay asked him
questions about Rebecca and got all possessive about it. They met
for drinks on Friday and Clay just pretended they never had the
conversation. He says Clay was distracted and seemed
    “Oh gosh. What did you say?”
    “ I told him he has been stressed and that he met Rebecca and
was interested in her, but she refused. He seemed satisfied with
that. I don’t know, honey. Brad is really protective over Rebecca,
and this thing with Clay could cause some problems between
don’t know what to think. Should we be afraid for Clayton or afraid of him?”
1Chapter 9
and George loved taking care of their daughter. They never openly
discussed Clayton, but were very happy when their daughter went out
to dinner with him on Wednesday night. Rowena, desperate to move
the romance along, had prepared a delicious bath with red rose
petals for love for her daughter. They watched anxiously as she
dressed and she felt as if she was in high school all over
    When Clayton arrived, they fussed over him and he laughed
when they told him to take good care of their daughter. The father had been dead serious when he said that, hoping it would
‘help’ the boy along to realize his role.
    Clayton took her to a quiet, dark restaurant decorating in
soft peaches and pinks. It was very pretty and the food was
delicious. It was a pleasant dinner and they chatted about
work. Clayton was too scared to talk about important things,
because he knew he would blow it. He would talk about the butterfly
and that would be it. He had promised Jonathan and Jackie that he
would have a

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