once, two loners might share the experience?” She asked with a hopeful tint to her words.
I extended out my arm and like the lady that she was her arm slipped through it and we began to make our way up the beach together in silence. It was the most companionable time I’d spent with anyone in a very long time. It was special somehow and I didn’t know what to say. We were almost back to the house, when she spoke.
“As I get older I become more conscious of how swiftly time is passing me by and how fleeting life can be. When we’re young we have nothing but time, but time is in shorter supply now, than ever before. I find myself more and more reticent about facing, what little time is left to me, alone. Perhaps after the children have had their moment there will be time for us to consider something more between us?”
“I would like that very much Ella.” I responded not at all shocked by what she had just said or by my own answer. I brought her hand up and I kissed the back of it lightly.
“Good night Caleb.” She said softly before she faded away into the darkness, as she headed up the beach to the house.
How strange the way things could be at times. I’d come on this trip to help reassure my granddaughter’s future and in the process I had met a woman worth spending the remaining future that I possessed with. I don’t know if you could call it love or even lust at my age, although there certainly was attraction at play.
The best way to put the emotion that was between us already from the first moment we had met was simply that it felt right. It simply felt right and I was glad that I wasn’t the only one of the two of us that felt that connection take place. If that had been the case I would have never said anything, but I would have just gone back to my mountains alone at the appointed time. But that wasn’t what had happened and the future was richer for it.
Chapter Six
Bygone Era
It had been agreed that the wedding would take place in one month, August 24th. The ceremony would be in New Jersey, and as I had suspected, that was where the new couple would stay. Deshavi and I had spent a week in the East before coming back. It had been a good week for both of us.
Deshavi was somewhat torn at the moment over one item, which was her mother. Specifically in regards to the fact that she didn’t want her mother at the wedding, which I know made her feel guilty. I told Deshavi repeatedly, her wedding equaled her decision. Still, I expected to see her mother there, even though it probably would be for the best if she wasn’t.
I had reached Ted’s cabin, but I didn’t see him about. I was about to dismount and go searching inside, when I heard a chink of metal off of stone. What was this? Ted actually working in his own dig site for once? Would wonders never cease.
I let Windstalker amble over to the dig site. I slipped off and made my way down into the maze of dig site trenches. Trent had really helped his grandfather out by putting a lot of effort into uncovering new sections of territory to which I now headed for. I turned a corner to find a thoroughly exhausted looking Ted. He was covered from head to toe with sweat and grime.
“Ted are you all right?” I asked in concern.
He looked up with relief, “Oh good you’re here! I could use some help here. I’ve been at it all yesterday and now today.”
I quickly stepped forward across the space. On my way I noticed a tarp laid out on the ground. On it were countless stone implements, most of them spearheads. “You found all those in the past two days?” I exclaimed.
It was more archaeological evidence, then Ted had discovered, during the entire dig up till now. He nodded and looked up his tired features excited, “And that’s not all!”
In front of where Ted kneeled in the dirt there was a part of a bone exposed. It looked like a femur leg bone and it was human without a doubt. I sank to my knees feeling excitement for my friend’s
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