Agent out of Time (The Agents for Good)

Agent out of Time (The Agents for Good) by Guy Stanton III Page B

Book: Agent out of Time (The Agents for Good) by Guy Stanton III Read Free Book Online
Authors: Guy Stanton III
Tags: Romance Thriller
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    It took hours to carefully uncover the bones.
    I made Ted sit and rest while I dug. It wasn’t a complete skeleton. Some parts were gone; others had drifted slightly away from the main body. There was enough evidence to tell from the bones that they belonged to a female of about average height. It was a tantalizing discovery, but it didn’t much prove Ted’s theory correct. That changed when we found her skull.
    The skull was completely intact. Carefully, brushing off what remaining dirt that there was, I handed the skull to Ted. Gingerly he took it from me and began studying it carefully.
    Minutes went by and finally I asked, “Well does it prove your theory correct?”
    “Yes and no.”
    “I don’t understand.”
    Ted studied the skull a moment longer. “You are of Native American blood. You belong to a distinct ethnic background. Native Americans and the native peoples of northern Asia share a common immediate ancestry that among other things distinguishes you by your skull shape. In particular, your ethnic skull type is referred to as mongoloid. This skull is not mongoloid.”
    “That would prove your theory correct then that there were people already here before my people came over the Beringia land bridge from Asia.” I said.
    Ted shook his head no and pointed to the skull again, “The skull may not be mongoloid, as we know the phenotype today, but it does have some mongoloid features to it.”
    I think I knew what he was getting at. “So this woman could have perhaps had a mongoloid type father and a mother that wasn’t?”
    “I suppose that could be true.” Ted said somewhat musingly, as he studied the skull indepthly.
    “Wouldn’t that still prove your theory correct that there were other people here in North America that my people either killed off or intermarried with?”
    Ted was shaking his head no, “I think another explanation is in order. One firmly rooted in biblical fact.” He nodded his head, as if agreeing with his own statement.
    “Which is what?”
    “That, at one time, people were remarkably similar to each other. Not only does the skull have slight mongoloid features, but it also has the influence of features of other skull types that exist and some features that I’ve never seen before. And yet, the skull itself, is clearly of the human kind, but not yet dominated by any one set of underlying genes. This could be one of the greatest discoveries of the ancient ancestors, ever to have been found up to this point, which proves descendence from a common pair of original humans, Adam and Eve!”
    I was listening, but not quite understanding. “So she’s different from my people and yet she’s the same?”
    I shook my head in consternation.
    Ted patted my shoulder and together we moved back to rest against the side of the dig. “Have you ever heard of the Ice Age Caleb?”
    I nodded, “Usually in reference to millions and billions of years though.”
    Ted shook his head in disgusted denial, “As you know I pride myself on being a biblical archaeologist. I interpret everything that I see and find in the course of my work, by what is able to be gleaned from off the pages of the infallible word of God. My Bible tells me that all of creation took place over six literal days and so that is what I believe. And it so happens that is what the overwhelming amount of true science shows. Not this evolution crap that has no basis in the reality of the evidence that’s quantifiable and reproducible and on display all around us! The evolutionary mush there cramming into the heads of our children is nothing more than a trumped up religion designed to instill non-belief in a Divine Creator and nothing more! Evolution can’t survive, as a science so now it masquerades as a religion, that’s vital to be believed by its followers, because it offers them up a utopia to believe in that is without God in it, as well as common sense. It takes more faith to overlook the

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