Alana Candler, Marked for Murder

Alana Candler, Marked for Murder by Joanie Bruce

Book: Alana Candler, Marked for Murder by Joanie Bruce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanie Bruce
Tags: Fiction
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her dreams of the perfect marriage vanished like fog on a sunny day. Tom’s work as financial wizard and advisor for his family’s multi-billion dollar company became more important to him than her dreams.
    Alana used her work in photography as a way of ignoring the problems with their relationship. The more work she did, the less time she spent thinking about Tom. Her growing lack of interest and attention eventually caused him to search for attention in other places.
    Alana’s face flushed as she remembered finding him kissing another girl in the restaurant that he had told Alana was their “special place.”
    Looking back, she realized it wasn’t fascination with her job that caused her growing lack of interest in Tom, but the dissatisfaction in their relationship. Being married to a rich executive would have made her miserable. His scheming and borderline dishonest practices would have continually pricked her conscience.
    Martin Strands, her second beau, was considered the most handsome man in the tiny town of Bishop, but when the newness of their relationship wore off, he began showing his true colors. As the only son of a wealthy lawyer in town, Martin, the owner of several pool halls, considered himself above the rules of the town and used his power and money to manipulate those around him in order to enforce his own agenda—pleasing himself.
    When she broke off their relationship, a sinister side of Martin’s personality revealed itself. His anger pushed her even further away—making her thankful God stopped her from making a terrible mistake.
    The dream of having a family of her own kindled an ache in her heart that wouldn’t go away. When God sent the right man to make that dream a reality, it would take top priority in her life. After her engagement with Martin ended, photography became her life.
    Alana sighed deeply and went to get her Bible from the suitcase in her bedroom. Thankful the water didn’t reach her Bible inside her waterproof bag, she sat down at the kitchen table facing the window and opened the Bible. After her close brush with death, reading God’s Word was a pleasure.
    Last night on the local cable station, her favorite television evangelist preached that Christians are commanded to praise God in all circumstances of their lives—both good and bad. She felt guilty for complaining when God truly blessed her in so many ways—as Brad reminded her in the hospital.
    No matter what came into her life, she vowed she would remember to praise God, even if it seemed impossible.
    It was hard to praise and thank God for being attacked, but according to the preacher on the television, that’s what the Bible instructed her to do. The verses in Ephesians spoke to her heart as she read them aloud.
    “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
    Dear Lord, I know I haven’t been as close to You lately as I should have been, but I do love You, Lord, and I thank You for taking care of me. Even though You allowed my car and other things to be ruined, You saved my life, and I thank You for that. I thank You also for this man, whoever he is, that jumped in the lake and saved me. Help me find him and thank him in person. Help me learn to be thankful in all things like the verses showed me this morning. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
    She raised her head and stared out the double-glass patio door at the fine mist covering Lisa’s rose garden. The damp and dreary weather that hovered over the city conspired to make her feel lethargic and depressed.
    “And now I have to replace my car . . . and my camera.” A groan escaped her lips.
    Suddenly, the sound of her griping filled her heart with shame. “You’re really something, Alana Joy Candler! You just vowed to be thankful for all things, and look at you—bellyaching already.”
    Decisively, she stood up and took her coffee cup back to the sink in the kitchen.
    “It’s time to put feet to my

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