
Alive by Chandler Baker

Book: Alive by Chandler Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chandler Baker
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have to always be my protector, you know.” It’s funny. I used
to want to be protected.
    He nods. “I know.”
    I watch as Tess takes a swig out of a flask and scoots off Brandon’s lap. Clearly tipsy, she sways to the music in front of Brandon, toying with the hem of her shirt. The spectacle draws
several guys into the vicinity, like mosquitoes to light. She tips her head back, long hair falling over her shoulder blades. Her belly button peeks out when she raises her hands over her head. I
swallow. I could never dance like that in front of everyone.
    Henry takes a deep breath, probably making a herculean effort to ignore Tess and her flat stomach. “So, anyway. I was wanting to talk to you about next Friday. I have two tickets to Action
Hero Disco.” His words pour out. “If, you know, you might want to go.”
    I register his question, but barely. Despite the carnival atmosphere going on around me, my attention is caught by movement in the distance, beyond the reach of the firelight. I raise myself up
onto my knees and cup my hands over my eyes as a visor. “Did you see that? I think there’s someone over there.”
    Henry leans forward, peering around me. “I don’t see anything.”
    I strain to see a moment longer, worried that a homeless person is lurking at the edge of our group. Or worse, the cops.
    “Yeah, sorry,” I respond idly, giving up. Must have been a raccoon or something.
    “Concert tickets?”
    “Really? I look at him sideways. “But you don’t even like Action Hero Disco. How the hell did you get tickets?”
    Brynn plunks down on the blanket beside Henry, balancing a charbroiled marshmallow on a stick. “Don’t mind me.” She winks at Henry.
    I shift my weight.
    Henry huffs and angles his body away from Brynn. “Hold on. I don’t dislike them. I just hadn’t listened to much of their music and—” He hunches forward to rest his
elbows on his knees. “Matt had a couple tickets and asked me if I wanted them and I figured, why not?”
    “Matt who?”
    “Matt Akin.”
    “From cross-country?” I ask. Why’s he so chummy with Matt Akin?
    Brynn snorts and Henry glares back at her. “Jeez, Stella. Yes, from cross-country.” His fingers curl around his knees and he rocks back. “Can you call off the interrogation
now? Do you want to go or what?” I can’t be sure, but I think Henry’s holding his breath.
    “Okay, okay, my bad. I was just asking.” I nod once decisively. “Yes, I want to go. One thousand percent, I want to go.” As if I’d miss a chance to see my favorite
    A crooked smile creeps across Henry’s face. “Really? Okay, cool.” He glances at Brynn again, and I feel like a secret passes between them, a secret that leaves me out.
    “It’s at Neumos. We can figure out whatever else before then.” He’s talking too fast. It’s kind of adorable, actually.
    “Get a room,” Brynn hoots.
    This catches the attention of a couple of the boys seated by the fire. Connor chucks an empty aluminum can at Henry’s head. My cheeks flush.
    Brandon twists around. He gently prods Tess’s leg to move her to the side so that he can see me. She teeters to her left and her locks brush across her face, sticking to her mascara. Her
lips work themselves into a pout as she glares at Brandon.
    “By the way, Stella.” His words slur as he tilts the open flask precariously. “I was wondering, do you have, like, a pig heart now or something?” He flattens his nose
into a snout, as if we all need a refresher course on our basic barn animals.
    “Shut the fuck up, Brandon.” Henry throws the can but misses. It clatters against a pile of rocks.
    “Her tongue still works, doesn’t it, Jones? Let her answer.”
    The gratitude I felt toward Henry only seconds earlier falters. Brandon may be an ass, but he’s right. It’s not Henry’s job to speak for me, and besides, I’m sick of
having so many handlers. I’m not a child star with a drug habit.

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