All I'll Ever Ask (The Greatest Love Book 1)

All I'll Ever Ask (The Greatest Love Book 1) by Genevieve Woods

Book: All I'll Ever Ask (The Greatest Love Book 1) by Genevieve Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Genevieve Woods
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hand and the other hand on her hip and said, “Take care of my Tee-Tee, Mr. Ben.”
    “You got it, Little Ms. Shopkin.” Benjamin kneeled down and gave Nikki a handshake to seal the deal.
    3 Months Later
    Camille sat up, slightly out of breath from tying her shoes. She was waiting on Benjamin to come for their evening walk. She could not believe the turn the last few months had caused in her life and circle of friends. First, she hated to admit to herself but Benjamin was taking up more room in her heart, mind, thoughts, and soul than she felt she could make room for. However, she was grateful for how he stepped in at ITS and had aided Karen in running the company as if she was still there. When she tried to compensate him, he declined, saying he did not need any more income to pay taxes on.
    Then there was Karen, running into Frankie Jones at Kevin’s office, the day he dropped her off from the hospital. Frankie is the postal courier for the District Attorney’s office, and apparently the one-night stand that fathered little Nikki. The paternity test was back and Frankie was, as Maury Povich would say, “indeed 99.99%, the father.” At first, Karen was unsure of how she wanted to proceed but Frankie said he wanted Nikki to know his family. His twenty-year-old twin daughters, who were in college and an ex-wife, who was now his best friend.
    Camille shuttered at all the drama in her world. Immediately, her thoughts went to Paige and Kevin and their tumultuous trip to Atlanta that landed Paige in jail for 12 hours for assaulting Kevin’s mom. Fortunately, Kevin and his dad, got Mrs. Michelson not to press charges. No one had given Camille the details, as they did not want to hinder her healing, but how could her being in suspense and worry, help? She shook that off, as her mind wondered to her father. R.D. had been there for the past three months but he seemed on edge. Like something was bothering him other than her health. Camille knew her father and knew there was more. But what could she do but wait until he was ready to open up and talk to her. Until then, she would follow the doctor’s orders and do her daily mental and physical work out, so she could get back to business. Just then her doorbell rang and a smile spread across her face, as she could feel Ben’s presence near. She walked as fast as she could with her light limp to greet him.
    “Hi Cam.” Ben greeted with his new moniker for Camille, as he reached down and gave her a kiss on the temple and squeeze her tight.
    Camille said, “hi handsome, as she returned the hug one hundred fold.”
    “Is my girl ready for our walk?” Ben asked as he pulled backed from her to peer down her body. She was becoming more beautiful every day. There was barely a scar left on her radiant face. Benjamin, who never cared for weaves, thought Camille’s looked as natural as her own hair. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever had the pleasure of viewing.
    “Earth to Benjamin,” Camille said. “I’m ready for our walk. Let me get my water bottle and we can go.”
    “Um...okay.” Benjamin wondered when being in her presence, would become easier. She always made him drift off, thinking of her beauty.
    Thirty minutes in to their walk, they had hit one and half miles and the conversation was flowing smoothly. Ben turned to Camille and said, “I want you to come to Sunday dinner to officially meet my family.”
    Camille blushed, “Ben I have met your mom. Dare I say, we are friends. Mrs. Ellen is one of the most beautiful women, inside and outside, that I have ever met.”
    Ben warmed at that comment. “Thanks Cam, but I am ready for you to meet my aunt, uncles, and gammy.”
    Camille gave a smile that spread across her entire face. “Really Ben, so soon? I mean you have been a life saver for my company and a caretaker for me personally. However, outside of that, you don’t know the 100% Camille James. You sure you want to introduce me to the

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