All My Tomorrows

All My Tomorrows by Karen D. Badger Page B

Book: All My Tomorrows by Karen D. Badger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen D. Badger
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Women, Lgbt
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you're cold. As much as I like seeing you in just a towel, you really should dry yourself off and get dressed."
    Jordan smiled. "You're right. Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back." She turned around and began to walk toward the bedroom.
    "God, Jordan. What happened?" Maggie exclaimed.
    Jordan stopped short. She looked at Maggie questioningly. "What do you mean?"
    Maggie took several steps toward Jordan then stopped in front of her. "Turn around," she said.
    Jordan did as asked and turned her back to Maggie. The towel hung loose and low on Jordan's back. Jordan stood as still as possible as she felt Maggie's breath very close to her still-wet skin.
    "What happened to you?" Maggie whispered as she traced the length of Jordan's scar from the middle of her back to where it disappeared behind the towel just above her bottom.
    Jordan shivered, more from Maggie's touch than from the cool air on her back.
    "Horse riding accident. I was sixteen at the time," Jordan replied.
    Maggie traced the scar once more, but this time, ventured beyond the towel barrier. Jordan stood very still.
    Suddenly, Maggie's hand became very still as her fingers encountered a foreign object. "Jordan, what is this?" Maggie asked as she pulled the towel down lower on Jordan's back. "It vibrates," she exclaimed. "What is it, some kind of sex toy?"
    Jordan chuckled as she reached back and held Maggie's hand against the implant bulging through her skin.
    "The vibration you are feeling is due to an alternating electrical charge coming from an energy storage unit… kind of like a power pack. The small box-like structure bulging from the skin is a spinal implant."
    Maggie quickly retracted her hand. "A spinal implant? You mean like bionic parts?"
    "Kind of," Jordan replied. "You see, the horse riding accident I mentioned a moment ago? I was paralyzed from the waist down. The implant restores mobility."
    Maggie walked a few feet away from Jordan then turned around. She placed one hand on her hip while she rubbed her forehead with the other. "You're paralyzed?"
    "I was until the implant. I guess you could technically say I still am."
    "Do you have any feeling below your waist?" Maggie asked.
    "Well, so far, no. No sensation on the skin at least. I will admit however, when you kissed me, I felt some very distinct fluttering deep within my abdomen."
    "I… I never knew something like this was possible. You're paralyzed, yet you can walk. I didn't know science had advanced that far already."
    "Maggie, there are things you don't know about me that I promise I will explain when the time is right. Please just trust me for now, okay?"
    Maggie frowned. "Trust you? Hell, I don't even know you. Jordan, this is a major deal. How long did you think you would be able to hide this from me?"
    "I wasn't trying to hide it, Maggie. It's just not exactly dinner conversation, you know?"
    Maggie crossed her arms in front of her and paced back and forth. She looked apprehensively at Jordan.
    Jordan took several steps toward Maggie, but stopped abruptly when Maggie put her hand up. "Jordan don't, please. I need time to digest this."
    Jordan stepped back. "I'm sorry. Would you like me to pack my things and leave?"
    Maggie walked toward the door then turned to look at Jordan. "Do I want you to leave? No. Not unless you want to."
    Jordan looked down at the floor. "I don't want to," she said softly.
    When she looked up, Maggie was gone.
    * * *
    For the next several weeks, Jordan fell into a routine of chores as well as repairs to fences, outbuildings, and grounds. During that time, Maggie made herself conspicuously absent and communicated with Jordan through notes left on the bunkhouse door or through messages hand carried to her by a very smug Jan.
    Jordan had free access to Maggie's home, but rarely encountered her. When their paths did cross, Maggie always had an excuse about select board meetings to attend or chores to be done and excused herself with little more than a cursory

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