All of Me
all the way across a crowded restaurant.” 
Kat sipped her merlot and studied Stella over the rim of the glass.  “Or why
you’re acting like a fugitive they’re hunting down.  Have you been committing
felonies again, Stell?”
    “I’m embarrassed, Kat,
for Christ’s sake!”  Which was true.  She had acted like a crazed maniac that
night at Eddie’s.  It had been justified, but still.  No one likes to think
they’re acting like those people on Cops , even when they are.  But she
was even more embarrassed about her marriage question. 
    “Which is why we all
told you not to do anything stupid,” Kat replied.
    “A little late for that
now, huh?”  Stella lifted her glass to take a sip and stole a glance at Drazek
and The Other One.  Her hand froze when she locked eyes with The Other One.  “ Shit !”
    “What now? Did that boy
you threw up on in the third grade just walk in?”  Kat grinned at her own joke
and, again, Stella cursed the dry, brutal humor of a smart ass geneticist.
    “One of them saw me. 
The Rico Suave one.” 
    Kat’s brow furrowed. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
    Stella didn’t have time
to explain 90’s one-hit-wonder Gerardo to her sister.  Because The Other One
just winked at her.
    Dear God…
    Stella lifted her hand
in a weak wave.  She turned to Christopher on her right.  “Talk to me,” she
hissed, leaning way into his personal space. 
    “I’m talking to Stellan right now,” he hissed back. 
    Stella grabbed
Christopher’s massive bicep and pulled herself closer to his ear.  “Do it or I
swear to God I will tell Stellan you are bi.”
    Christopher reared
back, eyes wide.  After taking a few seconds to recover from that low-blow
threat, he turned a little in his seat and stared straight at Stella.  He
plastered on a fake smile.  “Okay, here you go.  I’m talking to you, you
psychotic little dago .”
    Stella laughed louder
than necessary and leaned in closer.  “Those cops from the other night are here. 
And one of them winked at me.”
    Christopher eyed her. 
“And?  So?”  He started scanning the restaurant.  “Those cops were delicious…”
    Stella rolled her
eyes.  “I don’t want any male attention.  And I especially don’t want it from a
    Christopher must have
spotted the dynamic duo because he growled in the back of his throat.  “I can’t
see the other one, but stud muffin #1 is beautiful .”
    Stella tugged on his
shirt sleeve until Christopher met her eyes.  “Focus!  Please!  You know why
I’m not looking for anything, so stop panting and be my friend!”
    Christopher rolled his
eyes, but leaned in to make it appear they were deep in conversation. 
“Alright.  Fine.  But Ryan was like a year ago.  It might be time to think
about moving on, honey.”  Christopher patted her hand and added, “Just
    Even hearing his name
was like a punch to the stomach, face, and kidneys all at once. 
    You’re supposed to
be over it.  What is your problem?  Why can’t you get over things like other
people do?  Stupid, stupid, stupid…
    Stella’s face always
betrayed exactly what she was feeling and this time was no exception. 
    “Aw, Stella, I’m
sorry.”  Christopher nestled up closer to Stella and folded his hands in his
lap.  “Okay, use me as you will.  Should we start making out?  Wanna give me a
frencher for full effect?”
    Stella laughed for real
and gave Christopher a good shove.  “Go back to your conversation with
Stellan.  I’m sure I’m making too big of a deal out of this.  I’m sure it’ll be
    Christopher didn’t need
to be told twice.  He whipped back around to face Stellan so fast Stella felt a whoosh of air on her face.
    She turned back to Kat,
only to find her studying her intensely.  “What?”
    “You’re all freaked
out.  More than usual.”  Kat’s hazel eyes narrowed.  “What’s up with you?”
    Thank God the waitress
arrived at

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