All Wounds

All Wounds by Dina James

Book: All Wounds by Dina James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dina James
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of Martha Althea in the art of Healing. Provided, that is, she works hard and doesn’t waste my valuable time.”
    Oh, that was it. She was done trying to be nice to this guy. He sounded just like one of those jerks at school. She knew now what she’d seen behind her eyes when Ryan had bitten her, and it wasn’t like this guy didn’t have anything to do with Ryan being hurt. All Rebecca’s patience left.
    “Valuable time? How about provided you don’t go around getting anyone else I know bitten by hellhounds!” Rebecca retorted.
    Sydney stiffened and found a corner of the room very interesting all of a sudden.
    Nana glared at him.
    “So that’s what Lord Notharion meant. You were provoking hellhounds?” Nana asked in a brittle voice.
    “Wonderful,” Sydney mumbled. “She’s a Seer as well.” Nana looked at Rebecca and smiled. She didn’t seem a bit surprised at her granddaughter’s talent.
    “It’s an uncommon gift among Healers, Sydney,” Nana replied. “But not unheard of. It had been three generations since there’s been a Seer in our line. Rebecca’s great-great grandmother, Agnes, was one. I always knew Rebecca was special.”
    Then Nana seemed to remember what Rebecca had been subject to seeing with that special power and glared at Syd.
    “You show up here, with a wounded boy—” Nana began.
    It had always made Rebecca cringe when Nana took that tone.
    Sydney held up a hand. Rebecca was starting to wonder if that wasn’t some kind meaningful gesture instead of what it normally meant to her.
    Both Nana and Syd had used the motion more than once.
    “Can we please not talk about that?” he asked. “I know, this is my fault. However, the truce hasn’t been broken. That is, it hasn’t been broken yet . There have been reports of demons massing near the southern border of their realm. Nothing has been said to the clans—no declaration of open war has been issued to or by the Council, and though there hasn’t been any encroachment on or breach of the borders, I’ve been around long enough and through enough Ethereal wars to know what this means. I, for one, will acknowledge the threat even if the Council won’t, and I assure you, as sure as I’m standing here before you, war will break among the planes before the mortal week is out. We’re going to need all the Healers—all the enclaves—we have at our disposal just to have a chance at holding a demon raid off long enough to get any females and young away. Without the Eastern enclave, there’s no Healer or boundary in this part of the mortal plane, and shifting through the planes is dangerous with those who are wounded...” Sydney caught Nana’s disgusted glare and trailed off, looking completely ashamed.
    “ Two years. For your serious lack of judgment,” Nana said imperiously.
    “Then she can begin her apprenticeships in earnest. Late, but there’s nothing to be done about that.”
    “Yes, Ma’am.” Syd hung his head. “Two years indebted to your service.
    To train your replacement, at least until she’s suitable for mentoring. I believe Kyle has the honor next.”
    “Good,” Nana said with a frustrated sigh. “At least Kyle has a modicum of sense, which is more than I can say for you at the moment. Rebecca?
    Bedtime. It’s well past midnight, and a school night.” Rebecca didn’t have to be told twice as she hurried out of the hidden healing “enclave,” as Sydney had called it, and down to her own bedroom.
    Two years. Two years of Nana being herself again. Wow. And Blondie was kind of cute. Okay...more than “kind of.” He was totally cute.
    She couldn’t wait to tell Robin all about him.

chApter Four
    “...on this fine Wednesday morning! Bundle up today, it’s going to be a cold one...!”
    Morning radio hosts should be forced to wake up to other perky morning radio hosts , Rebecca thought before she opened her eyes and smacked her alarm clock into silence. Just once she’d like to wake up to actual music

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