Almost Zero

Almost Zero by Nikki Grimes

Book: Almost Zero by Nikki Grimes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Grimes
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    Text copyright © 2010 by Nikki Grimes.
    Illustrations copyright © 2010 by R. Gregory Christie.
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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
    Grimes, Nikki. Almost zero : a Dyamonde Daniel book / Nikki Grimes ; illustrated by R. Gregory Christie. p. cm. Summary: Dyamonde is angry at her mother for not buying her the shoes she wants, but when she finds out that a classmate has it a lot worse, she is determined to help. [1. Voluntarism—Fiction. 2. Conduct of life—Fiction. 3. Schools—Fiction.] I. Christie, Gregory, 1971– ill. II. Title.
    PZ7.G88429Al 2010 [Fic]—dc22 2010002282
    ISBN: 978-1-101-65717-1

For Barb Wallingford,
beloved mother of Adam, Brian, and Emily,
devoted teacher, and passionate lover of literature
    For Ruth Edwards

Dyamonde is always on the lookout for a friend in need!

The World of Dyamonde Daniel
    Dyamonde Daniel

    This third-grader is smart enough to know she should never tell her mom what to do…but sometimes she forgets. Fortunately, Dyamonde can also use that big brain of hers to come up with a plan when a friend needs her help.

    He’s Dyamonde’s best friend, and even though she doesn’t always listen to his advice, he always comes through for her when she needs him.

    A great friend with a big heart, she’s also the best writer Dyamonde knows. She adds poetic flair to any project, and the two girls make a great team!

    She has a cool white streak in her hair that makes Dyamonde a little jealous. But when Isabel’s family needs help, Dyamonde is determined to make sure they get it.

    This stylish girl likes to show off her expensive clothes, and sometimes she’s not very nice, but who knows—she might end up surprising Dyamonde.
    Dyamonde’s mom

    She loves Dyamonde and works hard to give her everything she needs—but sometimes they don’t agree on the difference between “want” and “need”!

1. Sneaker Heaven
    Dyamonde Daniel was not jealous of anyone. Except maybe Isabel, a girl in her class who was born with a streak of white in her hair that Dyamonde thought was too cool. Plus Isabel was cute, with dimples you could swim in, which didn’t help matters.

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