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Book: Alone by Tiffany Lovering Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Lovering
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still spread out over the couch and the pillow I left for her, on the floor. Further proof that it wasn't a dream, but where had she disappeared to?
    “ Sara?” I called into the silence. No answer.
    I threw on some clothes and ran out the door. I was going to find her, of course I didn't know where, but I wasn't going to stop until I found her.
    The first place I would search was City Woods . That's where I first spoke to her, maybe she went back. I ran through the building and up the stairs to room 27. There was no one there. I didn't even stop to look at my painting, I was on a mission. I ran back out of the building and stood in the street thinking.
    Where to next? Search every abandoned building in the city? That would take hours, but I was determined. Each condemned building I entered had other homeless people in it. They all looked at me when I came in, obviously looking for someone, but otherwise ignored me.
    The fifth building I went into was an old factory. There were some people huddled around a burn barrel inside the building.
    “ Hey!” a guy yelled to me. “Hey you!”
    “ I'm just looking for someone. I won't bother you,” I said still looking around at the different faces. The man approached me.
    “ Maybe I can help. I know pretty much everyone out here. What's her name?”
    “ Sara.”
    “ Is that her real name or a street name?” I looked at him confused. “A lot of us don't use our real name when we meet someone, because most of us don't want to be associated with our real name for some reason. So if you met her recently, Sara is probably a street name she uses.”
    “ I met her yesterday,” I said.
    “ okay. What does she look like?”
    I described every detail of her to the man. He listened along with a few others.
    “ I don't think I've seen her. The way you described her, I don't think I would forget the eyes.”
    I nodded and turned to walk away but he appeared next to me walking me to the exit of the building. “Hey, uh, just a heads up. Maybe she doesn't want to be found. That's usually the case you know. If she wants to see you, I'm sure she knows how to find you. Also, if you took her back to your place and she just disappeared overnight, you may want to take inventory of your stuff. Not everyone out here is as civilized as I am,” he said with a wink.
    “ Thanks,” I said disappointed.
    I walked slowly back to my apartment. The guy was right, Sara knew how to find me if she wanted to see me. When I got inside I put my keys on the kitchen island and went to sit on the couch. I probably should have taken inventory of my stuff, just as a precaution, but there wasn't much I had that couldn't be easily replaced. Except, I thought, over $2000 in my backpack from Jace Patterson.
    I grabbed my bag and looked inside the front pocket. I felt guilty almost, for mistrusting Sara for even a second. The envelope was there still overflowing with cash and a letter I had yet to read. I pulled out the piece of paper and read the handwritten note.
    Miss Russo-
    I am sure by now, Miss Morgan has told you that I am asking for a meeting with you. Please, come to The Italian Bistro Thursday at 6pm. I will have a table for us. There is much I would like to discuss with you.
    Jace Patterson
    I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I could go and talk to this guy, but why should I? I would definitely hear it from Miss Morgan if I didn't. That would send her into a fury I've yet to see for sure. I knew this guy had a lot of influence, but who cares? I had my life set the way I liked it, or rather the way I was comfortable.
    I put the letter away and while still sitting on the couch, I stared at the black and white rendition of Sara. I decided I should get the color version done so I could put this monstrosity away in storage.
    I spent a couple hours on the painting, paying special attention to every detail. Her eyes were exactly right, which definitely pleased me. Other than that, this painting

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