Fast Lane
though things seem to be moving really fast, maybe it was just what I need. The sooner I can move on and put Patrick in the past, the better.
    Coen steps in closer to me, so close I can smell his cologne. He has one foot between mine. He slowly brings his hand up near my face, as if he wants to touch it, but lowers it again. I look up at him with a reassuring smile, silently telling him that it’s okay.
    Brea breaks the silence. “Lex, love, I’m heading home before the cops show. I’ll chat with you tomorrow.” She kisses me on the cheek and leaves.
    “Goodnight, Brea.” Coen says, and quickly turns his attention back to me. “So why the new attitude all of a sudden?” he asks, slowly reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. He lets his fingertips gently trace my jaw line, and lifts my chin to look into his beautiful green eyes.
    “I guess what you said earlier about not really believing in coincidences got me thinking. Maybe I should give you a chance,” I say, lightly brushing my hand over his tattooed bicep and looking up at him through my eyelashes.
    Coen places his hand on the small of my back and pulls me closer to him. He looks deep into my eyes. My breathing hitches. “I can’t make you any promises, Lex, but if you just give me tonight, I guarantee you won’t regret it.” His lips brush against mine just softly enough to send shivers up my spine. Before I can even give it any thought, his tongue finds mine in a ravaging kiss. He’s devouring me like I’m a raw piece of meat and he’s a starving lion. I slide my hand down and squeeze his ass cheek. He lets out a low, carnal growl. He breaks our connection and rests his forehead against mine. We’re both sweaty and panting from the combination of the heat and lust. Coen opens his mouth to speak, but instead of his deep, sexy voice, I hear a voice I thought I said goodbye to last night.
    “Wow, Lexi. Are you fucking kidding me right now?” It’s Patrick, and he looks to be in one of his wonderful moods. Awesome. “Is this the real reason you broke up with me last night? So you could go off and fuck this tattooed piece of trash without feeling guilty?” His voice is escalating as he steps closer, puffing his chest out like a damn peacock trying to stake his claim on me. He huffs in disgust. “I always knew you were a slut.”
    I take a few steps back to distance myself from his awful alcohol laced breath. Before I can even think of a smartass comment back, Coen grabs Patrick by the throat and pins him up against my car. “You should think twice about who the fuck you’re calling a piece of trash, you low-life son of bitch.” Patrick’s face is starting to turn red, so Coen grits his teeth and growls in frustration as he lets go. I’ve never had a man stick up for me like this before. Patrick deserves to have a taste of his own medicine for a change. All of a sudden, everyone starts scrambling to their cars. I hear Derek yell, “Move out! Cops are here in thirty seconds!”
    Coen pushes Patrick away from my car. “I better not ever see you up in Lexi’s face again!” He quickly kisses me on top of the head. “Lex, follow me. Make sure you keep up so the cops don’t catch you.” He runs and jumps through the open window of his car, starts it, and waits as I quickly get into my own. I look over and see the red and blue lights flashing about two and half blocks away. Shit! I wasn’t planning on racing twice tonight.
    As soon as I throw my seatbelt on and start my car, Coen and I peel around the corner and down the back alleys, hoping to stay out of sight.

    I’M RACING THROUGH the streets of town with Lexi tailing in her car. Thankfully, we managed to get off the quarter-mile just in time to give us a chance to shake the cops. After all the crazy-ass happenings of today, I never in a million years expected it to be her I was racing. I almost backed out when Derek told me what the payout was, but I never back down

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