For One Night Only!
One Night Only!
    Angelé Wells
    Published by Angelé
Wells at Smashwords
    For One Night Only!
    Copyright © 2013 Angelé
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    Mia sat
sipping a drink at the bar contemplating what to do as another
lonely evening stretched out before her. She had been on the run
for so long that she no longer had a home or friends to call her
own. Having witnessed her ex-husband murder a man in cold blood she
had fled and was still running; trying to stay ahead of him. She
knew if he ever caught up with her that he would kill her without a
moment’s hesitation. But just for once she wished she could share
the company of another, to ease this aching loneliness inside her.
She twisted in her seat to take the rest of the bar in and noticed
a man sitting at a table by himself reading a newspaper. No
companion, no wedding ring. Mia wondered what about him; her
curiosity piqued. It wasn’t like she had anything else to do, other
than stare at this gorgeous man and create a fantasy in her head
about who he was and what he did; whether he was married, involved
or single. Why was he here on business? Or was he here for some
personal business? Maybe he was here on holiday? As if feeling the
weight of her stare, the man looked up, straight at her. For a
moment he just looked at her; and then he smiled and took her
breath away. The man was absolutely gorgeous but when he smiled, he
was positively lethal. While maintaining eye contact, the man got
up from the table and walked towards her.

    Kade was
bored. He had a whole lot of hours on his hands and nothing to do
with them. As he sat reading the evening paper he wondered if his
being here was just a wild goose chase or if his informant had
actually gotten him solid Intel this time. He and his partner were
due to relieve the stake-out team at the warehouse in question at
midnight. Unfortunately that was still hours away. His partner was
out visiting with family that lived in the area but Kade hadn’t
been in the mood for sitting making idle chit chat with strangers
so he’d opted to stay at the hotel until it was time to get to
work. Suddenly Kade felt a familiar prickle in the back of his neck
that signalled he was being watched. Slowly he let his gaze wonder
around the room looking for the source, without lifting his head to
make it obvious he was looking. He noticed a beautiful woman
sitting at the bar facing him. He lifted his head to get a better
look at her. He felt as if someone had sucker punched him when his
made eye contact. She was, quite possibly, the most beautiful woman
he had ever seen and she was looking at him almost as if she wished
he would join her at the bar. And to be honest, the idea appealed
to him; far more than going back to the room to watch some
mind-numbing television. Who knew, if he played his cards right, he
might find some

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