Alpha Bait
lustfully at each other. I know what I heard, and I know the whole pack is looking forward to your mating. It’s only a matter of time before you realize the truth. Perhaps in wolf form you’ll see the truth glaring at you.” Mandy put the peels in the recycle bucket before heading toward the door.
    “Mating, how do you know?” Victoria had never found a male who made her feel this way. There were times in Scorch’s company she just wanted to rub all over him. He made her forget about her weight issues and Chain. For once in her life she was able to feel without being terrified. Chain took everything away while Scorch gave her everything.
    “When you find the male suited to you, you just know. I’m mated to David. He’s the love of my life, and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.” Mandy looked outside, staring at her man. “You’ll know. At the moment you’re holding yourself back from whatever pain is keeping you locked in its trap.” Mandy shrugged. “Take your time. I know the alpha is not going anywhere.”
    She left the same way as Scorch did. Folding her arms underneath her breasts, Victoria stared out of the window once again. Scorch was chasing after the children, making his hands out to be claws as they ran away screaming. She chuckled. They all clearly loved their alpha. There were no kids in Chain’s pack. The parents with children had disappeared the moment Chain started to show signs of changing for the worse. Her parents stuck it out believing their alpha would overcome the strong hold of whatever it was that held him.
    All the children were wrapped up in coats, scarves, hats, and gloves. None of them had gone through the change as yet, so their temperatures were that of full blooded humans. The adults, the fully changed wolves, wore only jackets.
    Grabbing the jacket off the rail beside the door she headed out toward the group. Several women stopped her to comment on her appearance. They were all embracing her, wrapping her within their warmth. Arms banded around her waist, and Scorch pressed his nose against her neck. She hadn’t gotten the chance to leave the group of women, and it felt like he’d come to claim her instead.
    “I’ve been waiting for you to come out and play,” he said, breathing in deeply.
    “Women like to talk.” Her pulse pounded against her neck as cream soaked her panties. He turned her on so easily.
    They’d been spending time getting to know each other every morning. She’d tasted his cum on her tongue and loved how she got him to lose control. He never pushed her to do more. They touched, stroked, caressed and took the time with each other. Slowly, Victoria felt herself falling for him. His temperament and the way he treated her were so sweet she couldn’t help but fall. He was the complete opposite of Chain.
    “I’m just taking her over here, ladies,” Scorch said, lifting her up and practically carrying her over to the group he’d been talking to. David had his arms wrapped around Mandy, and she saw several men smiling at them. “We’re talking about the next full moon run. It’s David’s turn to stay behind to keep an eye on the kids while the rest of us go for a run to blow off steam.”
    “Do you mind staying behind?” Victoria asked.
    “No, it’s my turn. We all take turns. Mandy did it last month, and before that Blake did. We all take turns.”
    “Do you take your turn?” She turned her attention back to Scorch.
    “Of course. My turn is not next full moon but the one after. I pull my weight. It’s my pack, and I’m not willing to give out orders without doing it myself. I don’t work like that.” His arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her close.
    She loved the warmth from his body as they stood in the cold. “Then I’d like to help.”
    “You can share Scorch’s day. He could do with the company,” Mandy said, smiling sweetly.
    “Sure, why not?”
    What about Chain?
    He’s going to kill you if you don’t give him

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