Alpha Pack 02 - Savage Awakening

Alpha Pack 02 - Savage Awakening by J.D. Tyler

Book: Alpha Pack 02 - Savage Awakening by J.D. Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.D. Tyler
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
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intelligent being when they become lost or hurt and are brought to us. Right now we have a gremlin, a basilisk, two rescued shifters, and a wolf who’s—” She cut off the last part of what she was about to say at a quickshake of Jaxon’s head. What was that about? “Anyway, Nick is going to provide funds for us to build a rehab center on the grounds for that special purpose.”
    “That’s really neat,” she said, and meant it. “I don’t have a nurturing bone in my body when it comes to taking care of sick people, so I can only imagine how hard it must be to nurse something that most folks don’t know exists.”
    “We’re learning as we go,” Sariel put in. “We have doctors here, and Kira at least has an advantage because of her training in the medical field, especially in genetics, and she’s good with the patients. It’s not as if running a center like this has ever been done before, and certainly not in my realm, where they simply cast out anyone who’s different.” A shadow crossed his features, but he shook it off. “Still, the work is rewarding when we get good results.”
    After a round of enthusiasm from the group about the project, a man with black hair a bit longer than Jaxon’s spoke up from beside him. “I’m Zander Cole, or just Zan. This is Ryon Hunter.” He waved at a blond man on his other side, this guy appearing a little younger than his friends.
    Ryon smiled, open and friendly. “Hello.”
    “It’s nice to meet you all.” The jury was still out on the truth of that statement, but it was the polite response. Now she was eager to get to the heart of her visit. “I suppose by now you’ve been told I’m Micah’s sister. Do any of you know him?”
    Guarded expressions met her question as she took a bite of tender meat. Too bad worry for Micah took the enjoyment right out of her meal, as it had with every aspect of her life since she was informed he’d died.
    Jaxon spoke first, indicating himself and his two friends. “The three of us were in the SEALs with him. Then we joined Alpha Pack together, along with Aric and Raven, who aren’t… with us at the moment.” He paused, apparently reluctant to embellish.
    Rowan glanced around the group. “It’s okay. Your boss already filled me in on what this place really is and what you guys do for a living. I’m a cop and I’m used to dealing in facts, so I’m not sure I totally believe all this stuff about conspiracies and otherworldly creatures. But I’m getting there.” She shot a pointed look at Sariel for emphasis. When she did, she noticed that he hadn’t made a move to touch any of the food, but she didn’t have time to wonder why.
    “Kind of hard not to believe it when it’s shoved in your face, huh?” Kira said in sympathy. “A.J. over there was the same way not too long ago. He’s a former police officer, so maybe you two will have some things in common.” She gestured to a man who sat across the room with a huge bald guy. Jaxon wrapped an arm around Kira’s waist and kissed the top of her head.
    Rowan shrugged. “Maybe.”
    Jaxon brought the topic back to Micah. “About your brother, all of us thought he and several other Pack members were dead because that’s what we were told, same as you. We were devastated. When Nick came on board, he knew that the bodies were missing, but he was pretty much ordered not to say anything. We’re no happier about that than you must be, but we don’t blame him. Nick didn’t know for sure whether they really were dead—only what he was told.”
    Rowan shook her head. “I’ll admit I was angry with your boss at first, but I don’t blame him, either. I justwant the truth, and to find my brother. Even if he’s gone,” she added hoarsely. Her appetite fled.
    Reaching across the table, Zan laid a hand over hers. “That’s all we want as well. Micah was—is—a brother to us. Now that we’re pretty sure he’s being held somewhere, alive, nothing is going to stop us

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