An Alpha's Path

An Alpha's Path by Carrie Ann Ryan

Book: An Alpha's Path by Carrie Ann Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan
man – no beast thing – said he wouldn’t hurt her? And just how exactly was she to believe that? Yeah, silence seemed to be the best thing at this moment.
    A cold, wet trickle trailed down her neck. Oh gawd. Was it blood? Did he decapitate her while she slept? Okay Melanie, get yourself together. You wouldn’t be breathing and talking to yourself if he took your head. Unless he made her a zombie. Wait, were there zombies? A shudder ran through her.
    A hand shot out and messed with something on her head. Please, don’t kill me.
    “Oh, are you cold? The ice I put on your cut is melting.”
    Oh thank God, not blood. Just melted ice.
    “When you passed out, you hit your head on the table. You’re going to have a rather large bump on your hairline, but I think you’ll be fine.” Lance’s voice carried a thread of worry and care. Dammit, apparently werewolves are thoughtful.
    “Please don’t touch me.” See? That was nice and calm.
    Lance’s face fell and he stood back. He looked like a kicked puppy. Mel snorted. Sometimes she cracked herself up.
    “If that’s what you want, Melanie. I’m sorry for blurting everything out like that. I’m just nervous.” Mel gave him a good look. He did look cute, but in a best friend sort of way. Nothing like Kade.
    Her mouth salivated and her womb clenched as memories of the night before flooded her mind. They shared the best sex of her life, and then he ruined it by coming out as a monster of the night.
    Lance’s nostrils flared as a shudder racked his body.
    Oh shit. Don’t animals have a keen sense of smell? That’s what she remembered from reading that romance novel Larissa gave her. Well, this was embarrassing.
    “It’s okay Lance, really. Just tell me what’s going on. Why do you think I’m your,” she swallowed hard, “mate?”
    “You smell.”
    “Excuse me?” Well, just when she thought the guy was cute. She was gonna kick his ass.
    “No. No, that’s not what I mean. You smell perfect. Like honey. I swear.” If Lance backtracked any farther he would be out of the house. Well, that sounded like a good idea.
    “My wolf scented you and that is how I know we are mates. At least the potential to be one…”
    Now why did this conversation sound familiar?
    “Lance, stop. I’ve already heard this from Kade.”
    “Kade. Right. About that, I know he thinks you can be his mate too. I mean, I…:” Lance’s ear’s blushed red.
    An uneasy feeling settled in her stomach. “How did you know that exactly, Lance?”
    “Um, well, I walked by your room this morning and heard your fight. I didn’t mean to intrude, it’s just werewolf senses, ya know.”
    Oh, she was beginning to.
    “Lance, I don’t think I’m your mate. And frankly, don’t you think it’s a bit rude to tell me this the morning after I find Kade?” She really just needed this guy to leave so she could think about Kade. Gawd, she already missed him. Yearned for him.
    “I know it’s regrettable that you already slept with the pup, but he didn’t mark you so, things can be circumvented.”
    Egotistical bastard, wait… “Pup?”
    “Kade’s about fifty years younger than me, a boy in comparison. If you chose me you could have a man.”
    And that was it.
    “Lance, you need to leave. Now. Thank you for the ride and the possible concussion, but you need to go.”
    The man backpedaled, practically running from her home.
    What a night. She finds the perfect man, sleeps with him and then he informs her he’s a werewolf. Then another man helps her and says the same thing. Two mates. She needed a drink and a friend. Mel walked to the phone to call Larissa. It was her fault she was in this mess, and she could get her out of it.




    “Kade and Lance? You’re one fucking lucky lady!”

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