An Heiress For The Bear (Sarkozy Brothers 2)
the vampires.
    The plush carpet helped to hide her footsteps as she moved further into the room, the knife held out in front of her. Empty.
    A sound at her back drew her attention, and she spun on her heel. Bright light slid through the space in the partially open bathroom door. Was the burglar inside the bathroom?
    What would a burglar be doing inside the bathroom?
    And why the hell are you contemplating tackling a burglar for freak's sake?
    Kat stared at the doorway, gathering her courage. She wasn't made for this type of stuff, yet she stepped closer, clutching the crumpled envelope in one hand and the blunt sword in the other.
    She tiptoed to the door, her heartbeat roaring in her ears, and nudged the door aside with her shoulder. Inside, the bathroom was all grey slate tiles, chrome, and porcelain. And filled with steam.
    What the heck?
    Was the burglar showering? Or was Lukas home?
    Now that would definitely end badly.
    But she had to check. What if it was a murderer instead of a burglar, and they'd showered off the blood from bludgeoning Lukas to death? She couldn't leave, just in case.
    And you now want to tackle a murderer head on?
    Kat shook her head, her heart tripping in her chest. She really was going crazy. Her footsteps made no sound on the tiled floor, and she walked toward the glass shower cubicle, the knife held out in front of her like a rapier. Pity it couldn't even cut through skin, let alone an entire person.
    A gigantic bath towel was hooked beside a shower of a size she'd never seen before. The space must have been the size of most peoples' entire bathrooms. The man must like things in extra-large sizes.
    The shower glass was steamed up, and she couldn't see inside. Ugh. She swallowed hard. This was perfect. She'd always hated shower scenes in movies. Someone usually ended up either murdered or boned. In her case, murder seemed the more likely option.
    Kat stopped a foot from the door, holding on to the contract with her fingers so her free thumb could hook around the shower door handle. Why had she not left the damned thing on the entrance table?
    Her thumb moved an inch from the handle when the shower door opened, and Kat had to backpedal fast so she wouldn't get hit in the face with the glass. It was a wonder that she'd managed to stay on her feet, but she had to admit, having her knees locked with fright did wonders in the not-falling-down department.
    A man emerged from the shower. A very naked man.
    He reached for the towel hanging from a hook beside the shower and wrapped it around his waist. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on whether he was an axe-murderer or if he was a certain sexy boss, the steam billowed around him in clouds and hid her view of certain interesting areas of his anatomy.
    When he moved to step out of the shower, Kat realized the point of her very useless deadly instrument was dangerously close to his face. He realized it too, but instead of backing away, he came at her.
    Lukas jumped out of the steam, one large hand closing over her wrist, tightening until she gasped and dropped the sword. It hit the tiles with a harsh clatter, and she winced, wondering if her pay would soon be docked for damage.
    That was when it hit her. She was standing in Lukas's bathroom, staring at his body.
    And all Lukas wore was a towel.

18. LUKAS  

    I T MUST BE A DREAM , he thought.
    He was tired from the long drive to the Klamath Mountains to see Marek. He'd left yesterday after he'd spoken to Kat and spent the night at the cabin, roaming the forest and allowing his bear some freedom.
    He'd given Marek the news from the lab and empathized at the look on his cousin's face. The Legion had moved their efforts from abduction to assassination, so they'd decided to have Delta Corps actively seek to 'acquire' a member of the Legion for interrogation. They had to know what the fucking Legion wanted.
    Lukas had left after breakfast for another long drive and had headed straight into the shower.

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